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Driver Education Round 1 – Realize the Risk

Name: Carter
Votes: 0

Realize the Risk

Realize the Risk

Everyday we climb into our cars, start the engine, and cluelessly go about our normal routine without even thinking about the risk that getting into that car puts us in. Stories of car accidents and injuries project all over the news and the thought that goes through our head is “It’s just another car crash.” Why does this thought not frighten us as much as it should? These tragedies sometimes mean nothing to us unless we pertain to the situation. When the time comes for instructing young or beginner drivers, some important aspects need to be enforced.

All driver education instructors have the ability to determine how well their students know the rules of the road. This could mean stricter policy on in class test or less leniency on the final driver’s test. When you really think about it, how come the class containing the rules that must stick with us our entire lives only lasts a couple weeks? The importance of well instructed driver education could mean life or death. That being said I believe driver education could be divided into two categories. Everyone knows that understating the rules of the road establishes the basic needs to driving a car. For example, all drivers should understand the meanings of the signs, markings on the roads, who has the right of way, and so on. The other major aspect that potentially gets neglected is what happens when rules or laws are broken. Installing that fear into a driver might be the key to eliminate car accidents. Rules like driving sober, wearing a seat belt, and putting your phone away should be another focus in class. Failing to abide by these rules will only put the driver in a much higher risk so why not make a bigger deal about it. Tell the students about tickets and how driving under the influence could mean losing your license. These negative aspects will put into perspective the importance of driving in tip-top condition. To reduce the number of driver related deaths, these rules should possibly have greater consequences when failed to follow.

I have personally never been in a car accident… “KNOCK ON WOOD.” My family always does a pretty fair job of making sure we remain safe and follow the rules when driving. However, I have had some friends that I would say have gotten lucky. I think it is safe to say that almost all of us have those little distractions that we do not even notice. A phone vibration, music, and others in the car are often the cause of car accidents. Putting these things aside may break down the number of car related deaths. My one friend was known for driving under the influence and often times driving over the speed limit. These two combined do not predict a good outcome. We all knew he had a problem but he would just never listen, which is still no excuse for my friends and I not to take better care of him. Long story short, one night driving under these conditions he hit a street sign that left his truck totaled and luckily only a minor concussion. Another, more tragic incident that occurred recently happened to a 16-year-old girl that was a friend and co-worker of mine. One night she decided to drive home from a party and ended up in a head on collision sending her to the hospital in a helicopter. The doctors say that prayers, family, and her toughness is the only reason she made it out alive from that accident. Her story will remain with me forever and I’m ashamed that it took a close friend to suffer a serious accident like that for me to realize the risk of driving.

For the reasons above, I have most definitely changed some of my old, horrible driving habits. I can say turning down the radio and toning out passengers from distracting me has helped my driving tremendously. The biggest and probably worst habit undeniably stands as texting and driving. This habit can so easily be prevented but why do I never stop. When putting my phone away or in the glove compartment I can focus all my attention on the road as I should. When I see my friends or family doing something they should not, I have no problem calling them out for it. I feel that keeping the driver focused should be the duty of the passenger.

In conclusion, the basic rules of the road along with the rules that might get neglected need to be recognized and understood. A fear should keep drivers focused and on their A-game because that risk when climbing into a car will continue for the rest of their lives. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay and remember to drive safe!