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Driver Education Round 1 – Refusing the Convenience the Results in Recklessness

Name: Alexandria
Votes: 0

Refusing the Convenience the Results in Recklessness

What is the importance of driver education in regards to reducing the number of deaths and accidents? Although the answer seems simple, I have found that it is easy to add complexity where there is none. If one were to take the metal box with four wheels out of the picture and look at the evidence in other scenarios, the answer may become clear. What is the importance of studying for a test before taking it? Or the significance of delegating between your colleagues before a big sales pitch? All of these answers funnel down to one conclusion: The purpose of preparation is to avoid any possible mistakes. The same exact thing goes for a driver’s education. However, in this instance, rather than a failed test, or a lost promotion, it could be the cost someone’s life.

That is why I feel so strongly about driver’s education. Although there is no way to control how others are on the road, I have complete control over how I am. I remember shortly after getting my license, my parents instilled a multitude of rules for my first year of driving on my own: No music, no, phones, no interstate, no driving friends, no being driven by friends, etc. And although it felt very excessive at the time, I can look back and acknowledge the positive results I gained. Not only did the limited distraction help me focus on the intense multitasking that is driving, but it also set the groundwork for how focused I should be on the road. Enabling me to further understand the seriousness of driving other people and how to be far more responsible.

Looking back I recall getting into my car and hearing my dad yelling out the back door, “Make sure to drive as if it was everyone else’s first day on the road!” If you take the fatherly aggression out of that statement, I think it is actually extremely profound. If people were to constantly drive in a defensive, rather than the offensive manner, it’s very likely that we would decrease the number of car accidents. Along with driving defensively, I believe that the steps being taken by half the country to enforce laws that prohibit cellphone distraction will aid in safer roads. The GSHA state law tracker says that over 20 states, such as Arizona, California, and D.C., along with many others, all have handheld phone bans (Distracted Driving). Although it uprises the argument of those how long to have the convenience of a phone while driving, the argument is not strong enough to hold up against how many accidents occur yearly due to distracted driving. A statistic is given in an Edgar Snyder and Associations article that states that at any given time there are somewhere around 660,000 people using a cellular device while driving. This results in nearly 390,000 injuries occurring each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. It goes on to say that 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving (Texting and Driving Accident Statistics).

I am thankful to have never experienced being in a fatal car accident; however, my brother was not so fortunate. The story is one you have most likely similar to the one you have heard before. My brother was coming up a hill where he was unable to see the number of causes stopped at a traffic intersection. Just as he was reaching the peak of the hill he reached down to change the song on his radio. Before he could stop he had hit a man off of a motorcycle and into another car in front of them. It’s hard to get mad at someone for such a simple mistake. However, when that split-second mistake could permanently affect not only one person but an entire family’s life, it is vital to acknowledge the error. Luckily, the man ended up with only scratches, bruises, and an extremely totaled bike. My brother did end up having to pay for the full repair of this man’s motorcycle. Nonetheless, I know my brother would have paid it three times over rather than paying the lifelong cost of taking someone’s life.

So, what is the importance of driver education in regards to reducing the amount of death and accidents? I believe that it is absolutely crucial. When it comes to driving, it is best to be as prepared as possible, and I think that participating in driver’s education will do just that. It is rather easy to pass a driver’s test in many states and get on the road. However, I believe that if we push past the urge to do the bare minimum and discipline ourselves to utilize the privilege of driver’s education, we can not only become more knowledgeable individuals but also protect ourselves and those around us.

Works Cited

GHSA, Accessed, —–03/29/2022.

Texting and Driving Accident Statistics – Distracted Driving.”, 8 Aug. —–2019, —–—–tistics.html#:~:text=General%20Cell%20Phone%20Statistics,caused%20by%20texting—–%20and%20driving. Accessed, 03/29/2022.