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Driver Education Round 1 – Safe Driving

Name: John
Votes: 0

Safe Driving

Have you ever wondered how taking a drivers education class could help reduce the number of deaths on our nation’s roads? By learning the rules of the road before you start driving, you are more apt to follow them. People learn in a variety of ways. Some people can read material and retain the information. Others need hands-on experiences to retain information. A drivers education class provides both learning styles. You are able to learn the laws, what the road signs mean and are able to ask questions of the instructor. During the driving part of the class the instructor is able to critique your driving style and make corrections to any errors you are making in real time. This helps in reducing driver error which in turn can reduce accidents from occuring. Seeing the results of car accidents during the films of the class makes you really think about what could happen while you are behind the wheel.

There are several steps that everyone should take to reduce the number of deaths by vehicle accidents. SLOW DOWN is the first step that should be taken. People drive entirely too fast. What can be so important that you risk your life by driving fast to get to it. Is there anything worth losing your life for or being so injured that you cannot participate in that activity anymore? TIME MANAGEMENT is another step to be taken. If you leave in plenty of time to get where you need to be, there is no temptation to drive fast. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE is very important in reducing vehicular deaths. Make sure your vehicle is road ready. Have proper tires, working lights and wipers to clear your view during inclement weather. LIMITING DISTRACTIONS while driving is an important step to take. Limit the number of people in your vehicle. This is very important especially when you are a new driver. Less people talking allows you to focus on the road. Turning off cell phones also keeps you from getting distracted and last but not least, turn down the volume of the radio. You need to be able to hear what is going on around you.

When I was approximately 8 years old, my family and I were involved in a car accident. I was in the backseat with my younger brother and we were at a red light. The driver of the vehicle that came up behind us was a distracted driver. He did not even see that we were stopped in front of him and he rear ended our vehicle. Our vehicle was pushed forward into the intersection. Fortunately for us, there was no vehicle coming from the other direction. There were emergency vehicles called to the scene, police and fire and rescue. My family all had our seat belts on and only sustained minor injuries but it was a very traumatic incident in my life. I believe this has made an impact in the way that I drive.

This experience has made me take steps to be a better, safer driver. I make a conscious effort daily to follow the rules of the road. I wear my seatbelt every time I am in a car. I make sure that my vehicle has all the necessary maintenance done to it. If something needs repaired, I do it in a timely manner. I am very conscious of my surroundings. I do not follow the car in front of me too closely. There is always more than adequate space between vehicles. I am a defensive driver, I am always looking for the cars around me to do something wrong that need a reaction from me. I may even be a little too cautious at intersections. I do like to have the radio on while driving but it is at a reasonable volume. Driving the speed limit is something that many people my age do not follow but I make sure that I do not exceed the speed limit. My phone is always away so that I am not tempted to answer it while I am behind the wheel. My parents have made it clear that we are not allowed to have more than three people in the car while driving. I make sure I follow this even though at times it has been hard. When I have to be somewhere, I make sure that I leave early enough that I would not be tempted to drive over the speed limit. If all drivers would just take these few simple steps, the roads would be a safer place for all.