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Driver Education Round 1 – The Danger Of Driving

Name: Brianna
Votes: 0

The Danger Of Driving

A car crash can happen in a blink of an eye. One second you’re driving down the highway, the next you’re passed out in a rolled over car in a ditch. That is the scary truth. Almost every day we put our trust in random strangers and ourselves to operate these rather dangerous vehicles. There are many aspects that can lead to being a safe and responsible driver.

Do you remember your first day in driver’s ed? The first time you sat in the driver’s seat, you were in control of the car. Most people feel a mixture of anxiety and excitement. I remember feeling terrified to change the gear to drive, press down on the gas. Once I did it, however, it was fine. Suddenly, it wasn’t so scary. Driver’s ed is very important in increasing road safety. It teaches you the basics, it teaches you how to drive and the general rules of the road. Without it, many would learn half true information from their parents or guardians that could lead to hurtful and dangerous driving behaviors later in life. Without the rules of the roads being taught in a professional manner, the roads would be even more unsafe than they already are. Also, driver’s ed prevents people from driving (legally) who shouldn’t be on the road. Passing the final driving test finally allows you to be trusted behind the wheel alone. Driver’s education is very important in reducing road safety.

More than 35,000 people die each year from car accidents in the United States alone. What exactly can be done to reduce this number? For the most part, these are people legally driving, so clearly driver’s education is not the sole answer to the issue. One big, more recent, cause for many of these casualties is texting while driving. We’ve all heard some sort of variation of “don’t text and drive”. However, many people are not listening to this advice. It is also illegal, but that doesn’t stop anyone either. It is a very good thing that the phone companies themselves have adapted strategies such as automatic do not disturb while driving. Also, car companies creating smarter cars that allow you to hear your texts and call who you need safely is a great improvement. These are all great steps to help bring the death rate down. I believe another good strategy is to take a break on the wheel when you get too tired. I’ve been in cars many times where the driver nearly gets in an accident simply because they are tired. By taking a short break to rest while driving, or letting someone more awake drive, you are helping to reduce the danger of driving.

I’m incredibly aware of the dangers of driving, I have first hand experience of being in an accident. My brother and I were going to pick up food from Buffalo Wild Wings in my hometown. He was driving and it was rather busy on the road. The cars in the two lanes next to him stopped, signaling him it was safe to make the left turn. Not being able to see for himself, he trusted them and went. What neither my brother nor the other cars saw was a person going 40 mph in the right turn lane, something that is technically legal but not very responsible or safe. We hit them hard. To make matters worse, my brother and I had both unbuckled our seat belts early, due to the fact we were literally turning into the parking lot. It was a stupid descission on our part, I know that, but understandable in my opinion. I hit my head on the windshield. Luckily, even with my stupidity, I didn’t have any serious injuries, just a bruise that stayed a few days to remind me of my mistake. The car, however, was not so lucky. It was messed up badly, and my parents were not exactly happy with my brother. The experience was very scary, and if anything was slightly different one of us could have gotten seriously hurt.

After that experience, I never unbuckle early. That is not the only safe driving practice I do, however. I have never texted and drove. I always pick out my music before my drive starts and put my phone on driving mode. I keep the radio low enough to hear outside noise and avoid driving when tired. I do my best not to speed, only going at most five over. I would call myself a cautious driver, I’m still new and don’t take risks many older drivers take. I know my limits, and I think that’s one of the most important factors in being a safe driver.

Driving, while dangerous, is necessary in today’s day and age. We need to drive, but with that we also need to drive safely. Many people unsafely drive each day, I think it is essential this stops. Putting your phone away, staying alert, wearing a seatbelt, and many other practices are important in reducing the number of casualties from driving.