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Driver Education Round 1 – Best Ways to Drive

Name: Madilyn
Votes: 0

Best Ways to Drive

Driving is something that every person or at least 90% of people do in their life at some point. It is a part of growing up, a way to get to places and a form of fun for some people.

To be able to drive involves the process of going through drivers ed or drivers’ education. Many places do not require this to get your license though. The states who do not require the taking of drivers ed before getting their license usually have higher rates of crashes and fender benders. This is simply because they do not understand all the rules of the road as well as someone who took the classes. Driving may seem very self-explanatory but there a lot of unsaid rules that drivers ed may cover that those uneducated drivers may not be able to understand. Since those drivers who are less educated are on the road there is a higher chance of them getting into wrecks and a higher chance of injuring so many others. Since there is such a high risk of injuries and life being jeopardized with no drivers ed, there are some steps we should take to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving.

One step that should be taken to reduce the number of deaths that are caused by driving is making drivers education mandatory for everyone to take. This will eliminate those crashes caused by lack of knowledge of the road. Initially the number of deaths will go down drastically. The next step that should be taken is to just be smarter about when and how you drive. Meaning even if you had one drink do not drive. No matter if you feel good do not get in a car drive but instead get a cab, uber or lyft. Last step is to improve the safety of cars, cars may not be the problem in this scenario, but crashes are going to happen regardless and by making cars safer when or if they do get hit, a lot of deaths can get reduced.

I have had an experience of being in a car accident. I have experienced a few. The first wreck I experienced was when I was just a child and in the car with my mom. We had just come to a complete stop and a car came in behind us and hit us and I remember feeling the car jerk forward. There was a thud against my back as well and my head went forward but my seatbelt held me back in place. The other crash I experienced was when I first got my license. It was my second day of driving on my own, I went to a gas station to get some soda. I went to leave the parking lot and was waiting to look both ways since I had to get across traffic to get the way I wanted to go. A car stopped and was being kind to let me out, so I started to go and right as I did, they sped up and we collided. That was a very frightening experience for me and made me not want to drive again. I did end up driving again but not for a while. I have seen family members or friends drive irresponsibly and whenever that had happened, I would always get out of that situation if I was uncomfortable. Or if I was able, I would offer to drive or end up just driving myself and my friends. Sometimes I would even get an Uber.

Steps I could take to be a better and safer driver would for one to pay more attention to detail and be extra cautious. Over the years I have learned you can never be too cautious while driving and it is never bad to want to become more cautious. Another step I could take to be a better driver is to just to maybe follow the motions a little bit better and also be more assertive while driving. When I say assertive, I mean drive more confidently. Driving confidently can help not only yourself but also can help others because you are confident you will not hit them and trust your abilities more.

Driving is something almost 90% of the population will do at one point or another. The best way to make sure we continue safely with this path is to make sure drivers’ education is easily accessible and everyone takes it. Driving is something that includes a lot of skill, attention to detail, and memory. Everyone can be a good driver with the right tools and mindset.