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Driver Education Round 1 – A Call For Mandating change

Name: Bethany
Votes: 0

A Call For Mandating change

As they observed their loved ones in such a vulnerable state, a burning tear ran down one’s face.Careless actions leading to one’s understanding being callous. Your heart is broken into a thousand pieces, and your mind is jumbled by the mayhem around you. No one could make this pain go away or make this mistake right…… This is just a small sample of the suffering caused by reckless driving. There are several types of dangerous driving (distracted driving, driving under the influence, disregarding traffic laws, street racing, aggressive driving, as well as drowsy driving .) Driver education is critical because it aids in the decrease of fatalities, injuries, and other consequences of risky driving.

Before any child receives their driver’s license, I believe they should be required to attend valuable free driving education classes. Prior to earning their driver’s license from the government, if a student does not attend two months of classes in a row, they will be delayed in receiving their license. In order to earn their license, they must undergo two months of free driving and safety training with no way of bypassing it. This is just one basic thing you would think that the government would think of before supplying young minors with the privilege of using large pieces of mechanical equipment and roaming the road. With this little step, I am guaranteed that the numbers of death rates would drastically decrease.

Why aren’t we immersing ourselves in the technical sense, given that our world is always evolving ? Personally, I prefer simpler times, yet even simpler periods had technology that made life easier for them. During the simpler times it  was  commonly  know that human interaction with automobiles resulted in lower fatality rates than it does now. When we try to pair a Bluetooth device with an electronic device, we get a notification that there is a pairing request, as we all know. Why isn’t there a pairing between a phone and a car that disables the phone to operate while the car’s engine is running?

Another strategy to prevent car deaths is to reduce the capacity of the vehicle. We’ve all heard how loud cars can be as they pass by our windows with blasting music. When driving or inside a vehicle, the car should be able to maintain a particular loudness. The only way to raise the volume past that point , would be to shut of your car engine allowing the radio to be in full function of raising to the highest level permitted . This factor may be questionable to some, but it is understandable that the volume alone can affect your concentration. These are minor functions that can be used to make a significant difference in death rates in the lives of people.

I’m 18 years old and have worked hard to learn the rules of the road and how to drive safely before acquiring my driver’s license. To be a better and safer driver, I would respect the established rules, follow common safety guidelines, store my phone in a secure area out of reach, keep my music at a low volume, never drive when intoxicated, and ensure that I get an appropriate amount of sleep hours before getting on the road. Another thing I believe is vital to be aware of is our wildlife; pay attention to your surroundings as many animals are wounded or killed each year due to reckless driving around the world.

When it comes to irresponsible driving, I’ve had a few firsthand experiences. I was out running errands with my family the other day when a car speeding down a residential street nearly hit a tree and other pedestrians. In terms of road kill, the United States loses roughly 41 million squirrels, 26 million cats, 22 million rats, 19 million opossums, 15 million raccoons, 6 million dogs, and 350,000 deer per year. And this huge amount does not include the number of animal injuries that occur annually .  This is ridiculous, and it’s past time for us to make change as it not only enrages me, but it also inspires me to make a difference in the world for human life, wildlife, and our planet.

Safety is not an option; it is a duty that should be demanded in exchange for the liberties granted. People must start with the basics in order to appreciate independence in which they expect.  So let’s make a change, and let’s do it now, before we run out of time. So let us come together, collaborate, and make a difference.