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Driver Education Round 1 – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Jay
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

Being in the driver’s seat comes with many responsibilities that needs to be taken seriously. Safety should be a commitment to every individual that uses the road. Before obtaining a permit, it is wise to take advantage of Driver Education programs for various reasons. Knowing how to drive and how to be a safe driver are things to do prior to climbing into the driver’s seat. Education is the strongest tool we have that helps make better choices in day-to-day activities. In this essay, I will be talking about the importance of Driver’s Education, how we can take steps to reduce the numbers of deaths related to driving, my personal experiences related to unsafe driving, and steps to being a better driver.

The importance of Driver Education programs is that new drivers can learn all about the Do’s and Don’ts of driving. Learning the laws of driving prior to getting behind the wheel is important because then the driver will know what is safe and allowed to do when on the road. Laws are put in place to keep everyone safe and obeying the laws benefits everyone. When new drivers have this foreknowledge, it can greatly reduce the number of deaths that result because of driving.

There are many types of equipment, technology, laws, and careers that can reduce the number of deaths that relate to driving. An example of what I think could help reduce the death count is to have better equipment to monitor speed. When I am driving, I notice there are many people that go above the speed limit on the regular day to day basis. Having this equipment set up more frequently and, in more locations, can crack down on speeding and make driving safer. Another example, highways at nighttime can be dangerous due to visibility issues. Modern cars nowadays are equipped with bright LED headlights that, when you are the one driving with them, can be greatly beneficial. Except, when you are the one driving on the opposite side. These bright lights cause other drivers to experience temporary blindness, which will potentially lead to a fatal car accident (Wagner, 2021). Instead of making a car’s headlights brighter, providing streetlights in places that are more susceptible to accidents could save drivers. In some places, the highway is lined with tall and bright lights that illuminate the entire road. Having the highway lit can help you see even further then what your headlights have to offer. My last example is to have elderly people retake their driver’s test when reaching a certain age. Persons over the age of 65 are more likely to be involved in car accidents than most age groups according to The Federal Highway Administration (Rhoads, 2020). Elderly people are susceptible to accidents related to driving due to their ineligibility to react as fast in a situation. Hearing loss, loss of eyesight, and general health can result in not being able to be fully aware of their own, and others, driving. Some examples are driving through a red light or missing important road signs (Rhoads, 2020).

There were a few occasions that I have been in close calls with accidents related to driving. One experience I had was when there was an elderly man going half the speed limit on a highway, which caused a jam in both lanes from people trying to pass him. People were trying to get onto the highway at the same time and a large truck didn’t see us and almost merged into us. Another experience I had, was back on July 2nd, 2003. My cousin was 8 years old when he was at a park having a barbeque with his family. His older brother and their friend were heading to a baseball field across from the barbeque which was across the street. My cousin crossed to catch up to them and got struck by an oncoming car. His condition was critical, but he survived. The result of the accident left him severely handicapped, mentally and physically. At just 8 years old, he needed to be retaught necessities like feeding himself, using the bathroom, and personal grooming. This incident caused tremendous stress and depression for him and his family. This incident has also caused me trauma as he was my best friend. Since then, I have had a different outlook on safe driving.

Steps that I can take to be a better driver is to continue to obey the laws that are put in place for my own and others safety. Cutting out distractions while driving is also another important step to be a better driver. One distraction that I will cut out are text messages. I will save them for when I am parked or when I find a safe place to park, to send and read them. Another step is to maintain control of the vehicle when the road isn’t in perfect conditions due to weather. Not only will I take steps to make myself a safer driver, but I will also help others become safer on the road by reminding them about safe habits when driving. When I am not the one driving, I like to help with blind spots when merging or backing out of a parking spot. I also like to encourage people to let others text for them instead of trying to text and drive.

Being a driver, whether new or experienced, should have complete understanding of what being a safe driver means. Driver’s Education programs are an important tool that can effectively help drivers to reach that goal. The laws that we obey on the road are put in place so we can all be safe when we go about our daily travels. Yet, there are things we could improve on to help with safer driving. Cracking down on speeding with the usage of equipment, as well as well-lit highways, and requiring the elderly to retake their driver’s test are ways that can help reduce the numbers of deaths that are caused by unsafe driving. My personal experiences with unsafe driving could have been avoided if safety was fully understood by the individuals. I know reaching 100% in safety is impractical, but prioritizing education and safety for driving will make a big impact and save lives on the road.