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Driver Education Round 1 – Drivers Education

Name: Leah
Votes: 0

Drivers Education

Drivers’ education is one of the most important things and as a new driver. I think a lot of people overlook the importance of driver’s education. The importance of it is so young and/or new drivers have the knowledge and skills to be a safe driver. That way if they would ever get into a bad situation, they would know how to get out of it the safest way to keep them and others safe. By taking a class on drivers education they would some of the basic knowledge they need, such as knowing what the traffic laws are, and the importance of obeying all traffic laws. Driver’s would know how to be predictable and how to avoid any type of distractions.

However, there are plenty of safety precautions and steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. The first one being to put all distractions away. Even though you might think that checking your phone or looking for something in your car wouldn’t cause an accident, taking your eyes of the road for even a second could be enough time to get in an accident that could be fatal to you or others around you. Second, to always go the speed limit. You never know when someone to slam on their brakes, something running out in front of you, and other cars pulling out in front of you. If you aren’t going the speed limit that means you can not stop in time to avoid those things. Always remember that speed limits are set for your and others safety. Always pay attention to your surroundings. That is because it allows you to be alert so you can react to problems quickly. Another step is to keep a safe distance from other vehicles and objects. If another driver makes a mistake, you will have enough time to stop quickly enough to avoid an accident or avoid hitting objects around you. Also, make sure to check the weather before planning on going anywhere. For example, you don’t want to get somewhere, and it start raining or snowing and you risking yourself and others by driving on hazardous roads. If this does occur, make sure to go slower than the speed limit to help prevent an accident.

One of the hardest things I’ve had to witness since I’ve been driving is watching a family member driving irresponsibility. My uncle got in a car accident and he did not make it. He was drinking and driving. Never drink and drive. If he hadn’t had done this he would still be here with us today. Watching my family go through the loss of him was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever had to witness. It made me realize the importance of following all the safety precautions, and how I never wanted to put my family through that again. I also never want anyone else’s family to have to go through the heartbreak of losing someone you love. Or to be the reasoning for someone losing their life in a car accident because I was being a irresponsible driver and putting my life and others in danger.

There are however four steps that I can do help myself to be safer on the road and to keep others safer on the road as well that I always follow when driving. The first one being is keeping my speed down. Speed limits are for your safety and others around you. Keeping my speed down allows me to have the time to react quickly to keep myself and others safe. The second is to always stay focused. I always make sure I pay attention to road conditions, and road markings. Road conditions is a huge key to being a safe driver. I make sure I always pay attention if there is anything that could make the roads not safe. Such has rain, it makes it easier for cars to hydroplane and it always makes it harder to be able to see the roads. I also make sure to plan to if I know a snowstorm is coming. Snow to me is the most dangerous thing you could drive in. It makes the roads slick. So, if you would need to stop it makes it very hard to. You could also slide into other vehicles or objects around you. I also stay home when it snows so I do not put myself and others in danger. I also have learned to not depend on other drivers. Even if I think they are going to let me go or merge on the interstate I always pay attention to them. You never know if they are not going to let you and you get in accident that could injure your others. I always do what I think is the best and safest outcome while driving. Road markings are also a major key in being a safe driver. Road markings indicate what part of the road to use, where there is construction on the road, where it is okay to pass other vehicles or there are hazards along the road too. The 4th one is to always stay in control. I always make sure I am aware of other drivers. So I am less likely to be caught off guard. For example, if a car is swerving in and out of traffic, I need to be ready just incase they want to pull in front of me while driving.

These are just some of the reasonings I think driver’s education should be more important to everyone. There should be more classes to give new and young drivers the knowledge and experience they will need to learn to be a safe driver. It also allows them to keep everyone around them safe and overall help reduce the number of deaths caused by driving.