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Driver Education Round 1 – The Drive to Save Lives

Name: Malina
Votes: 0

The Drive to Save Lives

The Drive to Save Lives

Everyone knows that turning sixteen is a big deal, especially since it is the first opportunity for a teenager to get their license. While this can be an exciting new chapter of life, there are many potential dangers of driving without proper experience. Driver’s education, also referred to as driver’s ed, is a course designed to familiarize new drivers with different road signs, laws, tips, and experiences to help drivers feel comfortable in this new environment. I have taken a driver’s ed course called DrivingMBA, and it has been very informative and helped me build confidence while driving. There is a quota of how many hours are needed to complete the course, and upon finishing it you can receive your license. I recently completed my course and have had my license for a couple of weeks now. Upon talking to some friends, I realized that many of the ones who did not take a form of driver’s ed are more timid or overconfident with their abilities. There have been countless accidents at various intersections near my house, and most of them are caused by reckless driving (speeding), or not paying attention. Sometimes I am even slightly worried about getting in a car with a teenage driver, even if I know the person well. There have even been instances of drunk driving by those in neighboring schools, and the stories I hear are almost horrifying. Even if an individual manages to survive the crash, the injuries and other consequences that follow are simply not worth it. It should be mandatory for teenagers to learn about driving safety, whether it be in school or at home, as it is extremely important. The dangers on the road are so common that you have to always be aware of your surroundings. A few years ago, my brother and I were involved in a car accident. Nobody was injured, but the accident left us a little shaken up. My brother had crossed the line while trying to take a left turn out of a shopping center, then panicked and quickly reversed backwards into another car. In situations like these, I believe that driver’s ed is crucial to supply inexperienced drivers with advice that can help them out of unfamiliar situations. My brother did not take any driver’s ed classes, so my parents decided it would be beneficial to put me in one. I am glad they decided to, because this course has offered me different pieces of advice that I can use in the long run. I have also driven far distances and in unfamiliar areas to prepare for driving on my own.

Over 38,000 people are killed in car crashes throughout the USA a year, and an additional 4.4 million are involved in crashes that require them to need medical attention (Road Safety Facts). This being said, questions such as “Why are there so many crashes”, and “What can be done to reduce that number?” still remain. The top reasons for deaths while driving include poor road management, unenforced traffic laws, and unsafe road behavior. To combat these issues, local state governments should allocate more time and resources to fixing roads, whether it be filling potholes, repaving streets, or repainting important symbols. There should be greater attention to these road hazards, as they pose a danger for all drivers. The problem of unenforced traffic laws has been lessened with the input of more speed cameras, clear speed limits, and radars, but there is still a long way to go. As with unsafe road behavior, the only thing that can be done to fix this issue would be education. In educating all drivers about not only the laws, but also the ubiquitous road risks, crashes can be prevented. In my freshman year health class, I remember having a unit on the dangers of driving, specifically drunk driving and texting. We watched a movie that took accounts of various people involved in an accident while being distracted by a device or intoxicated, and honestly, it was frightening. At the time, I was only about fourteen, but now as a new driver, I have to be extra cautious every time I drive. Instituting educational videos, talks, or tips in middle or high schools would help educate young teens about the dangerous possibilities out there. Even if someone is a fantastic driver who always pays attention, it is completely possible for an inexperienced or distracted driver to cause a crash that could ruin both lives. Originating in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries while increasing safe and healthy mobility for all. This idea explains that traffic deaths are preventable and compensates for inevitable mistakes on the roads. Vision Zero recognizes that over 90% of crashes are caused by human error, and therefore concludes that the road system should be designed to become less of a danger zone. A safe system has been designed to account for this human error and lower it as much as possible. It is a risky task, but we can continue to raise awareness to aid the children of the future in hopes of substantially lowering the rate of car crashes. Starting on a small scale is the first step, but over time it is possible to create a safer environment for drivers all around the country or even expand to the remainder of the world..

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