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Driver Education Round 1 – Driving Safely Can Change Lives

Name: Brock
Votes: 0

Driving Safely Can Change Lives

While I have been raised to do what is right, protect the weak and vulnerable, and work harder than anyone else, there is one life-altering event that has shaped the way I approach major decisions. Perhaps it was due to the stage of development I was in when it happened, but I know it will forever influence my judgment and approach to decision-making.

During my sophomore season, an all-star player who led the previous team to the state championship was killed. He graduated the previous spring and was starting as a college freshman at a division two program just down the interstate. He had been in Norman visiting family and left town late for a mandatory team meeting. No one knows exactly what happened, but it appears he was speeding down the interstate and lost control. While trying to regain control, he must have overcorrected and jumped the barrier. His short and promising life would come to its end as a result of a collision with a tree.

Roughly a week after the accident we had a team meeting with every player and all of the coaches. The younger guys could tell that our older teammates didn’t look too good. Coach told us that practice had been canceled for the day as counselors and other school faculty walked into the locker room. At this point, it was pretty obvious to everyone that something terrible had happened. Coach said, “I’m going to be straight up with you guys. I know some of you already know this, but something happened, and he passed away last night”. At that moment I saw every guy I looked up to in that room completely break down.

This accident was the start of a tough year for the team. However, it was also an opportunity to learn. The way the older guys reacted to hearing that news is something that I will never forget. The family aspect of football became very real to me as I saw how those guys immediately dropped everything, canceled their plans for the night, and went straight to the hospital. This accident demonstrated to me the importance of proper planning, but also that senseless accidents can have life-changing side effects.

In this situation, the accident was simply an accident, but many others are caused by distracted drivers. Whether they are texting, calling someone, or scrolling through social media, distracted drivers cause accidents every day. The most effective solution for this is to eliminate possible distractions. When someone is driving, they should always refrain from using their electronic devices. Another major source of distracted driving is driving while under the influence. This includes using alcohol or any other drug that inhibits one’s ability to make decisions. Maintaining full focus on the road will ensure a safe driving environment for everyone. If we see a possible distracted driver, we must take action and create a safe environment for everyone to enjoy. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent distracted driving.

Something else to consider is a lack of formal driving education. For someone to obtain a driver’s license, they must first complete a training course to verify their knowledge of the rules of the road. This course can be completed in a variety of ways so choosing one option over another may create a learning experience that does not thoroughly address every possible situation a driver may experience. For example, completing the entire driver’s education course online is not the same as practicing driving in public with an instructor talking through each situation. These differences may cause inconsistencies in driving knowledge that affect others’ safety. Another example of a cause of inconsistencies is simply forgetting. People who have not been tested on their road knowledge tend to forget things they do not practice. This can be seen in people who live in small towns that may only have one or two street lights. The town being dominated by stop signs might make it difficult for a driver who has spent a lot of time there to transfer to a larger town and feel comfortable obeying the rules of a large or complicated intersection. A refresher course would be highly recommended for people in this situation as it would address things they may have forgotten, preventing unnecessary confusion in traffic.

Practicing defensive driving will make anyone a safer driver. Defensive driving is defined as driving with the intent of protecting yourself from more than just other drivers. It is thinking about the consequences of each action ahead of time to ensure the best decision is made. In doing this, we prevent silly mistakes or major hazards from interfering with the lives of other drivers. Defensive driving helps save lives and prevent unneeded accidents, so practicing this will encourage better driving from individuals and create a safer environment for everyone involved.