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Driver Education Round 1 – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Isabella
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

Hello, today I will be speaking about the importance of driver education. The importance of driver education can not be stressed enough, and as someone who drives constantly,  I see people who break laws and put lives in danger. Driver education reduces deaths because it tells new drivers what is expected of them. The laws we learn in drivers education stick with us throughout our driving experience. I still remember all the laws I learned , and that is because of how important they are to everyday driving.  A vehicle is not a joke , it can be a weapon of destruction if the driver does not know the rules of the road. If we provide education many should take advantage of this, and not go on the road without learning the rules. Being aware of what to expect as a driver is crucial, and drivers should know all the rules and laws before hitting the road. A step to be taken to reduce driving deaths is to put driving into perspective. Driver education is a must and if someone keeps making driver mistakes they should have to learn driver’s education again.  I think there should be rules if a driver keeps making reckless mistakes. People need to understand that driving a car is a privilege that comes with great responsibility. A car can easily take a life if not used properly or responsibly. As a driver, I see many drivers who almost cause accidents because of their ignorance in drivers education. There are many lives in your hands when drivers hit the road, therefore great care should go into driving. To reduce deaths we must crack down on speeding, drunk driving, and drivers without a license. We need more stops by law enforcement to ensure roads are safe and free of reckless drivers. Many drivers think they have freedom because they have never been caught. I believe that law enforcement should punish these offenders. I also believe we should start driver education as early as possible so young drivers can see the importance of driving safely. Having good driving practice at a young age can help shape young drivers into safe drivers. My parents were hit by a drunk driver and ended up in the Emergency Room. My parents were ejected from their car and ended up on the road. This experience opened my eyes to how frightening it can be to see that drivers who do not take into account other lives can be so toxic to our roads. My parents could have been killed by someone because they decided to have a good time and drive intoxicated. I love my parents and that story showed me there are drivers who do not care about laws or rules they care about themselves.  We need to remember there are millions of drivers on the road before making horrible decisions. Cars contain our family, friends, pets, and loved ones most of the time.  We must take care of our precious cargo by driving safely. Driving safely can not only save you, but other lives around you. I am a very cautious driver because I want everyone around me to be safe. I think people around me will follow my example if I drive safely. I can also prevent accidents by my safe driving , and I can use all my knowledge of the laws and rules to help me with safe driving. I can also show people that driving is a privilege that should not be taken lightly. Speeding is something that I notice a lot, and that is why I always drive the speed limit. Hopefully others will see that I obey the speed limit and they will do the same. As a cautious driver, I think many people can learn from my seriousness. It is important to do our part as safe drivers to show the irresponsible drivers what to do. Our actions by being safe can save lives. Being a safe driver makes me feel better because I know I am doing my part and others must follow so we can have a safe environment for all. I also think that by holding myself accountable for driving mistakes I  can strengthen my driving skills. We should all reflect on our driving practices and those lessons learned from our driver education. Driving with intention and cautiousness can save many lives and prevent accidents from happening. There is enough havoc in our everyday life, why bring that onto the roads?