Name: Keaton
Votes: 3
The Necessity of Accessible Driver’s Education
When I first sat behind the steering wheel I was terrified. I had no clue how to drive a car, only that it was dangerous. It took months to work through my paralyzing fear and be able to drive safely on a road. This fear had been instilled in me from advertisements on television and the radio of the dangers of distracted driving and school assemblies. I did not feel comfortable or confident driving until I took Driver’s Education, which completely changed my driving experience.
Driver’s Education gave me the information and tools to drive safely. Having an understanding of the inner workings of a car allowed me to prevent possible accidents and keep myself safe. I utilize skills learned in class such as defogging my windows, changing my oil, and checking the air within my tires daily. Driver’s Education also gave me a clearer understanding of the rules of the road. Often, we become familiar with an area and memorize its rules that when driving in new places we are caught off guard. Due to my education, I was prepared when driving to college and able to safely navigate unfamiliar roads. Because of Driver’s Education, I prevent possible fatal situations, and such is the case for many others. According to a study conducted by the University of Nebraska, drivers that had not taken a course were 24 percent more likely to be in a fatal accident (“Study”). The preparation provided by Driver’s Education creates the line between life and death.
To reduce the number of deaths related to driving, the sharing of information is most important. Everyone should be enrolled in Driver’s Education courses to learn the reality of the following statistics. Seatbelts should be worn, in 2017 they saved an approximated 14,955 lives (“Seat Belt”). Drivers should not be under the influence of anything and not be distracted at all. Often with the amount of technology available my generation is distracted during their entire day but most specifically when driving. Safe driving requires focus and an awareness of one’s surroundings. Defensive driving is a necessity, as the driver you may be focused but not all other drivers are and 94 percent of accidents are caused by human error (Defensive). This is especially important at night and on highways, both are difficult driving conditions that require full attention. Driving properly is also necessary, keeping both hands on the wheel, constantly moving your eyes around, and checking your mirrors can save lives. Seats must also be put into a comfortable upright position where the driver can view the entire road with clean, clear windows. Visibility is of the utmost importance and can prevent numerous accidents. Lastly, the driver must remain calm and avoid road rage. Rash, emotional decisions can put the driver and others in danger. Driving is not a casual activity but rather an event that requires full attention and awareness.
Luckily, I have never been involved in a car accident but I have a very real awareness of the possibility. Despite this, I have had many friends involved in serious car accidents. Most of them were not enrolled in any Driver’s Education course and did not take the statistics seriously. After the accidents, there was a visible change in how each of my friends approached driving. They are now more focused, they remove distractions, and look at their surroundings often. Accessibility to Driver’s Education is a major issue, I was only able to enroll because my parents value it and could afford it. Many people cannot afford the course which puts not only them but all others in danger. An affordable, accessible Driver’s education is a matter of public safety and would greatly lower the number of accidents.
To combat these statistics I ensure I am practicing safe driving at all times, such as making sure I am in a stable mental state and not tired before considering driving. When I enter the driver’s seat my phone notifications are off and it is put away so I will not be tempted to look at it. While driving, I do not blast the music and I am constantly keeping an awareness of my surroundings, looking for erratic drivers or pedestrians. To help others, I can share what I have learned in Driver’s Education, creating a safer driving environment.
Driving is incredibly dangerous yet also a necessary action in most people’s lives. It requires focus, awareness, and patience. As drivers, we all must be educated on safe driving techniques, car maintenance, and the rules of the road to keep ourselves and others safe. As educated drivers, we should strive to give the same opportunity to others to foster a safe driving culture. Without my Driver’s Education course I may never have driven. I am incredibly lucky for the opportunity to take such a course and arm myself with knowledge. Everyone deserves this opportunity, not just those who can afford it. Driver’s education is a necessity for the protection of our society.
Works Cited
“Defensive Driving Facts and Statistics—”, 9 September 2021, Accessed 24 March 2022.
“Seat Belt Safety: Buckle Up America.” NHTSA, Accessed 24 March 2022.
“Study: Driver’s ed significantly reduces teen crashes, tickets | News Releases | University of Nebraska-Lincoln.” News,,+tickets. Accessed 24 March 2022.