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Driver Education Round 1 – A Text Can Wait

Name: Sydney
Votes: 0

A Text Can Wait

What if everyone took safe driving seriously? What if everyone prioritized drivers’ education? What if everyone put aside all distractions while driving and focused on their driving and others around them? What if the person that killed my mother’s friend did not text while driving? All the what ifs could affect us all, could save my life, and could save your life. People may wonder about the answers to these questions, but without action nothing will be resolved.

In my hometown, many teens drive without taking a course in driver’s education and unfortunately many have been in minor car accidents. Without the foundation of driver’s education, they are more likely to cause an accident which could result in a fatality. I was fortunate to be able to take a driver’s education class during my freshman year of high school. My instructor’s lessons made a lasting impression and made me mindful of not only my vehicle but of those around me. Driver’s education isn’t just for young teenagers. My grandmother recently completed a motorcycle driver’s safety class, and she became a more confident and conscientious driver. Driver’s education gives drivers the tools needed to drive safely which greatly reduces the risk of having a fatal accident. I want my family and friends to make it to their destination. I believe that driver’s education plays an important part in making that happen.

I am a new driver and many of my friends are as well. Being a new driver, my parents have taught me the dangers and responsibilities that come with driving and the steps to take to avoid potentially fatal accidents. Some of the steps that can be taken to reduce deaths related to driving are simple. Put away all distractions; the text message or the phone call can wait until you can pull over. Obey the rules of the road and follow the speed limits, they are set in place to keep everyone safe. Be aware of your surroundings; watching out for other vehicles and pedestrians will keep you and them safe. Another important yet simple step would be to take a driver’s education course. I believe it would be beneficial to the driver and the community if high school students could take a course in high school. Unfortunately, most schools have limited space, leaving many students unable to take the class.

Unfortunately, accidents do happen, and the leading cause of those accidents is distracted driving. A friend of my mother was the victim of a distracted driver and if the driver was more attentive to driving instead of her phone, my mother’s friend would be here today. I still remember the day my mother received that phone call. The instant look of terror and tears in her eyes was something I will never forget. As the driver approached, my mother’s friend was checking his mailbox off the shoulder of a narrow road. The driver was texting a friend instead of watching the road. Her distraction led to her hitting the victim with her car, causing death nearly instantly. The victim was robbed of the remainder of his life. His friends and family were left with a piece missing in their lives. The driver will have to live with the fact that she recklessly took the life of another person. All of that could have been avoided if the driver was watching the road instead of her phone. That text message could have waited. I was not in that car accident, but this incident affected my mother and the way she taught me to drive. It is imperative to keep our eyes on the road and surroundings while driving a vehicle.

I have learned not only from that accident but from my parents and my driver’s education instructor about the steps I can take to be a safe driver. Following the road signs and eliminating distractions has helped not only me but others as well. My young sister recently received her driver’s permit and I try to set a good example of safe driving to her as well as friends and family that may be in my vehicle when I drive. When I am behind the wheel of a vehicle and when I prepare to drive, questions run through my head that help keep myself and others safe. Did I look both ways before pulling forward from a stop sign? Does everyone in my vehicle have their seatbelts on? Is my vehicle maintenance properly? By learning, being a good example, and asking questions, I am a safer driver that helps others as well. All drivers, including myself, need to stay mindful of safe driving practices and be examples to others. The more drivers that make a conscious effort to drive safely and bring awareness to others, the less the chances are of an accident or worse the death from a driving accident. I will build on the driving education and experiences that I have had and will continue to be a good example of being a safe driver.