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Driver Education Round 1 – Grandpa Gets A Ticket

Name: Tyler
Votes: 0

Grandpa Gets A Ticket

When I think of Driver’s Education, one thing that will always stick with me is you can never be too young to learn the importance of driving safely. I don’t remember much of the story, but what I do remember is this. I was very little when this happened. I was in the back seat of my uncle’s car on our way to go camping in the mountains. My Grandpa was in the front passenger seat. My Uncle was speeding and ended up getting pulled over by the Police. The Police officer asked my Uncle if he knew why he was being pulled over. He said yes that he was in a hurry to get up to the mountains to go camping. As the Officer walked back, he looked over at my Grandpa and asked him why he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt or had he just taken it off. I quickly jumped in to help my Grandpa answer, “I told Grandpa to put his seatbelt on two times and he never did.” My Grandpa began to speak, but the Police Officer said, “Is this true, Sir?” My grandpa who was red in his face finally said, “Yes, it is true.” I was happy because my Grandpa then put on his seatbelt. He was not happy with me and said I shouldn’t tell on other people. Then my Dad spoke up and corrected Grandpa that he was the one in the wrong. So my Grandpa got a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt and my Uncle got one for speeding. Even though my Grandpa was upset at me, I am glad I spoke up and helped my grandpa realize his mistake. Maybe even one day potentially saving his life, as he recalls his not so favorite story of his young grandson who wasn’t afraid to speak up when he saw something unsafe.

Driver education is very important. More than 90 people a day die in car related accidents. A lot of people may not know how to drive safely. If you go to any major city anywhere you will easily see how careless people are on the road. Now you may think that people would be more careful after they got their license, but not from what I have witnessed. If driver education was more ingrained into everybody that went to get a license, then the number of people dying everyday from car accidents should go way down. I have driven in several big cities and most of the time, I see someone on their phone while driving. I have also seen someone with their blinker on for several minutes while on the highway. That is why we must try to teach everybody about the importance of driver education. Even if it doesn’t affect other people, it might one day affect you.

I have taken better steps to becoming a better driver by not going over the speed limit especially in school zones. Coming to a complete stop at stop signs, red lights, crossing roads or when people are jaywalking illegally. I credit all my safety to my Driver’s Education course I took before I got my drivers license. I live in a very cold and icy state during the winter months, that is when I am the most careful because at any moment you could start sliding. Sometimes when the wind is blowing so hard you can barely see the road. That is when you slow down and look to the sides of the road where the delineator posts are. They help keep you on the road when the visibility is low. I remember being taught that in my Driver education class and thinking because it was the middle of the summer, when would I ever use that. After my first snow storm, I relied on those delineator posts heavily to safely make it home and did so because of my Driver Education class.

I encourage everybody to drive safely and make sure to take a Driver Education class before or after you get your Driver License. There are so many to choose from. Check your local areas for options about taking a Driver Education course. They have even made it as easy to do right from your home online. I feel the most beneficial way would be to take a driver education course in person. When you show up and dress nice and come ready to learn you can surely learn some things that just may save your life. I urge everyone everywhere to always be mindful about your surroundings cause you never know what could happen. Your life could change in an instant, but if you drive safely, you could save someone’s life or even your own. Please be careful while driving and like I told my Grandpa all those years ago, always wear your seatbelt.