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Driver Education Round 1 – Safe Driver

Name: Kellen
Votes: 0

Safe Driver

I think that the importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths is extremely significant. I believe this because as an inexperienced driver learning to drive for the first time, I did not have the tools necessary until I completed the online training, six hours of driving with a certified instructor, and 60 hours driving with my parents. I learned how to become a defensive driver. This helped me understand how to avoid dangerous driving situations and how to be a safe driver.

Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths include following through with the necessary instructed driving, completing at least 60 hours of driving with an adult, and driving in all different kinds of driving environments. For example, urban driving, night driving, rural driving, and driving in different weather conditions. Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, I have the opportunity to drive in conditions that range from foggy to rainy to snowy, as well as some precarious coastal and mountainous driving. Other steps that can be taken include obeying driving laws and not consuming alcohol or drugs, as well as not texting or talking on the phone while driving.

I have been in a car accident before where I was a passenger in the front seat while my father was driving. We were on our way to soccer practice an hour’s drive away when we were notified that practice had been canceled due to rain. We were literally five minutes from our house, it was pouring rain and windy when an SUV turned into us in an intersection when we had the right of way. I was not injured, but was very shaken up. Our Toyota Prius was totaled in the accident. Other than being in a car accident, I have driven with a soccer teammate of mine who drove way too fast on turns and disobeyed the fact that you have to slow down. Due to his reckless driving, I chose to never drive with him again. I have had a similar situation where a friend of mine was driving recently after receiving his license. This friend of mine ignored the fact that you have to check your blind spots and almost ended up sideswiping a car to his right. Luckily, the car to his right alerted him by honking as soon as the situation got dangerous. Also, when my parents are driving too fast, and I am the passenger, I often find myself looking away from my phone and onto the road for fear of them crashing into another car. I often have to remind them to slow down.

I like to think that I am a fairly competent driver, but I need to spend more time driving in adverse driving conditions. I have not had enough experience driving in snow and ice. Currently, the majority of my driving consists of a combination of city and freeway driving to and from work, and college every day. In order to help others to become safer drivers on the road, I need to be more vocal while driving with friends and need to give them constructive criticism when I feel that they are not driving safely. Some steps that can be taken to become a better and safer driver include 1. Learning how to follow traffic signs, road signs, and construction signs 2. Being aware of the surroundings, such as sudden slowing traffic, emergency vehicle sirens, reckless drivers, and pedestrians and bicycles on the road 3. Adjusting to the weather conditions such as using low beams with heavy fog, driving cautiously in rain and snow when the roads are slippery, or when there are strong winds. 4. Being aware of the presence of animals such as deer, raccoons, squirrels and pets who may suddenly run into the roadway. 5. Driving with both hands on the wheel, turning your phone alerts off, and not being distracted by other people in the car. 6. Ensuring that there is a designated driver in the event that you are out with friends who are planning to consume alcohol, and ensure that everyone in your car is buckled up. When one is able to follow all of these steps and simply drive more to get experience, they should eventually become more competent and safe on the roadway. A good driving quote that I stand by and stand with is a Chinese proverb, “One moment of patience may ward off disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a life.”