Name: Kanyon
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Driver Education
Driver education is something that us as a society should take more seriously. Just like the website said, Driving is more dangerous than going to war. We have more total deaths a year from driving accidents than we have total deaths of American soldiers in war. I believe driver’s education should be made mandatory in every state. Because young drivers who have not completed driver’s education are 24 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal injury or crash. That number is too high for America not to make it mandatory, I mean crashes can happen so fast that you could lose a loved one in a blink of an eye. The one time I decided not to drive to Mcdonalds with my brother was the time that he crashed. Luckily he had no injuries but if I had been in the car I might have been fatally injured or I could have even died. The passenger side door was folded all the way into the middle console. At the time my brother was not an educated driver, I don’t think he even had his permit, and he was under the age of 18. That is why I believe driver education is important because people who are uneducated when driving are just waiting to get in a crash. None of them know the full laws of the road and don’t have the experience of driving by themselves.
First of all, like I mentioned in the last paragraph, I believe that we should make driver education mandatory in every state in order to reduce the number of deaths related to driving, because I understand the importance of driver’s education. This alone will make a huge impact on deaths related to driving. Because we won’t have any inexperienced and unknowledgeable driver’s on the road. We could also take it upon ourselves to be responsible enough to put our phones down until we are at our destination. It is estimated that 1.6 million crashes per year are related to driving on your cell phone. We could also be responsible and stop drinking and driving. But the most important thing we could do is wear out seatbelts. Seat Belts have saved over 374,000 lives and about half of the drivers that have died from a crash were unrestrained, imagine the number of lives that could have been saved if all those people were wearing seat belts.
I have not personally been in a car accident, but my Biological father died in a car crash when I was one years old. Because of that tragic incident I never got to grow up with my biological father and I don’t have any memories of being with him either. This is something that I think about frequently, I wonder how my life would be different if he hadn’t died that day. Would it be better? Would it be worse? I guess I will never know. I wish I got to meet my father because I have been told many stories about him and about the kind of person he was and I will never get to experience that which is kinda hard for me. That is something I never want my kids to feel. That is why driver’s education is so important to me because I want to be with my family every step of the way throughout their lives. I have seen many people drive recklessly like friends, family, and even myself at times but everytime I catch myself doing this I remember what happened to my father and I don’t want to end up in that situation.
Some steps I took to becoming a better driver were putting my phone down no matter what when driving. using my blinkers all the time, even when no one is around. being more attentive when driving and watching my surroundings. driving the speed limit everywhere I go. I could review drivers education courses to keep myself updated on the road laws. I never drive while under the influence. I keep a safe following distance. Even in a rush I remain patient and cautious of my surroundings. I am also a defensive driver to prevent as many accidents as possible. There are many things I do but what I could do to help others is to encourage my friends and family to drive safely and tell them to educate themselves on the road laws everyone once in awhile to stay knowledgeable.