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Driver Education Round 1 – Buckle Up with Benefits of a Boyfriend

Name: Victoria
Votes: 0

Buckle Up with Benefits of a Boyfriend

With driving comes independence, but also great responsibilities. It is important that individuals learn how to properly drive and understand the rules of their state in order to drive safely among others. It’s more than just parking on a hill correctly, but about learning how to drive in hazardous conditions in states that experience bipolar weather. In New England, it is critical to know how to drive on icy roads considering that it’s summer one day then winter the next. These skills and knowledge will further allow safer driving and minimize accidents. Driver’s education is the first step to creating safe drivers.

Though I have not been personally involved in any accidents, I have family members and friends who unfortunately were. Reckless driving killed a childhood friend of mine. Not only was her life taken too early from us, but so was her child. Every time I drive by that spot I am reminded of the true power a vehicle holds. So many lives changed and hearts shattered when tragic yet preventable accidents occur. It reminds me about how regardless of being cut off by another driver, one should remain calm and collected. Sometimes our emotions get the best of us, but it is important to think logically. Otherwise, not only does it put myself at risk, but others as well. My mother and younger siblings were also in an accident when someone crashed into them at an infamously dangerous rotary. Luckily nobody was injured, but my mother still describes it as one of her scariest moments.

In Massachusetts, only people under the age of 18 have to complete a driver’s education program in order to take the road test. Otherwise, as long as an individual has a learner’s permit and is at least 18 years of age, is considered eligible to take the road test. Waiting until you turn 18 to take the road test, puts you at a great disadvantage. With driver’s education comes great resources to attain or enhance your skills. It teaches individuals judgment and preparedness too. It is crucial to reducing the number of accidents.

Driving school can be expensive and is an important factor as to why people wait until they turn 18 in order to take the road test. One step towards safer driving includes offering drivers education in more high schools. These days, it is becoming less and less common, especially in more communities with people of color. Growing up in Lynn, none of the four public high schools in my city offered drivers education. When states no longer fund these programs, it puts us in an even tougher situation. The fewer the programs available, the less likely teenagers are to enroll in a driver’s education program. A lot of families are not able to afford something that they might not even consider urgent or relevant. None of my older siblings and I were able to afford driving school for those very reasons. My parents were not able to set aside $600 when there were more important expenses to take care of. Though we could not afford driver’s ed, I made sure to take some classes with a local driving school. It was important for me to learn to be confident in my driving skills. Though my parents and older siblings offered great assistance, it was not until I had a professional driving instructor in which I felt most confident about my skills on the road. I hope to help my parents pay for my younger siblings so they can go to driving school. Without the input and help of the driving class, I would not be as prepared for not only my test, but for driving in general. Therefore, steps such as requiring public schools to be funded for driver’s ed will create safer drivers.

Often, young people tend to drive more recklessly when in the presence of friends. Fortunately, my friends and I have come up with a system. One of the only advantages of having a boyfriend means having a personal Uber on girl’s night. My friends and I don’t have to worry about who will be the designated driver. We get to our locations and enjoy ourselves without putting anyone’s life at risk. One boyfriend drops us off and another picks us up. Whether it be boyfriend or brother, we make it work. Safe driving also means not driving under the influence. I always urge the importance of it being better to be safe than sorry. If anyone says, “Oh. but I’ve only had one drink”, I like to remind them that a $30 Uber is better than a $10,000 DUI. Though some need the reminder of financial loss in order to be convinced, any convincing is worth it. Driver’s education is crucial to driving performance levels and is the best choice for people of all ages who want to learn to drive.