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Driver Education Round 1 – The Safety of Driving

Name: Colleen
Votes: 0

The Safety of Driving

The Safety of Driving

Driver education is a crucial need today to improve driving safety. Having driver education can educate individuals who drive and reduce deaths related to driving. High Schools in America do not have driver education courses in their curriculum. That needs to be changed. Young drivers need to be taught early in their driving experience about the dangers of driving and what they can do to become a safe driver. Teaching young drivers driving safety can reduce deaths related to driving. Teaching young drivers to not text and drive, drive while tired, driving under the influence, etc. can lower the deaths from driving. If young drivers learn this early on in their driving experience, it can lower the deaths from driving. They will realize the cost of doing anything distracting while driving and not participate in that action. On the news, there are always stories of car accidents. The accidents far too common involve people using their phone while driving or driving under the influence. Drivers need to understand that those things should not be conducted while driving. Drivers need to be educated and influenced more on the safety of driving. Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving include driver education courses, make sure the individual driving is not distracted, and have more advocates speaking about distractions while driving. Having the education courses will help educate drivers about the dangers of driving and safety precautions people can take. Individual’s can individually make sure they are making safe decisions while driving. They should know themselves not to conduct distracting activities while driving that can result in serious problems like death. It is no secret the influence celebrities and professional athletes have on society. Having people who advocate for driving safety can influence drivers to take the steps they need to be safer drivers. These steps can influence people to drive safer which can reduce the number of deaths related to driving. I thankfully have never endured a car accident. However, I have seen my friends and family drive irresponsibly. I can think of many times when I have been in a car with one of my friends or a member of my family and they used their phone. Whether they are texting, changing a song, or making a call, they are doing an unsafe activity which can lead to an accident. Steps that I can take to become a safer driver include putting my phone on silent while I am driving, driving the speed limit, wearing a seat belt, and following the rules of the road. Putting my phone on silent will limit my chances of reaching for it to answer a message or call I receive. If I am unable to hear the alerts on my phone, I will not get the phone. This will prevent me from using my phone while driving. Driving the speed limit is not only the law but will help me drive safely. The speed limit is put in place on purpose so people can get to place to place in a safe manner. Driving over the speed limit is a dangerous action which can hurt people in a serious manner. Driving the speed limit is important to ensure the safety of drivers and others on the road. Wearing a seat belt ensures my safety as a driver in the event of a crash. If I wear my seatbelt at all times while driving, I am protected against getting thrown out of the car in the event of a crash. Everyone in a car should make sure they wear a seatbelt to prevent getting thrown out of a car in an accident. Seat belts are designed to protect people in a car and they should be worn at all times in a car. Following the rules of the road is safe for myself driving but also respects others using the road. It is crucial that drivers know the rules of the road before driving on the road. If drivers do not know the rules, they can make terrible mistakes. These mistakes can lead to horribly results such as deaths from driving. All these actions will make me a safe driver and prevent reckless driving. Others can also follow these steps to become safer drivers. Overall if drivers do the correct things while driving, the roads will be safer. Having safer roads to drive on will ensure the safety of those driving on the road. Safety actions while driving can reduce the risk of deaths related to driving.