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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Education and Dangers

Name: Omisha Skinner
From: Florissant, Missouri
Votes: 0

Driving Education and Dangers

Driving is considered a necessity in America. In order to transport yourself from one place to another, one must be in control of a vehicle; unless you’re more so a bike/walking person. So, having your driver’s license would be vital for a sufficient life. Though I have been lucky enough to never have been involved in a car accident, I have witnessed occurrences and the cause of them. America’s traffic fatalities have been as high as ever with nearly 43,000 people who have passed away on the road just last year . Assuming the majority of these people who were involved in a car accident had their driver’s license, they must have a broad understanding of driving. So, what would be the issue?

Though many Americans have their driver’s license, many do not possess the proper education, comprehension, and experience to become an excellent driver. Some would describe driving as simply “using common sense”. Red means stop, green means go. To an extent, they are correct. However, driving is more complex and should be seen in a different light. Controlling something that weighs over 2,000 pounds can be very difficult without the proper instructions. Consequently, keeping the car well-maintained is an important factor in its ability to transport. Therefore, formally studying the subject can efficiently improve your driving knowledge, thus making you a better driver and reducing your chances of being involved with an accident.

Though many adults pass their driver’s license test, some do not fully understand the rules of the road. This leads to dangerous drivers on the road and potential car accidents. To become a better driver, you would need to be cognizant of the quality of the vehicle and potential risk levels within the vehicle and around it, be able to quickly identify hazards and traffic signs, and understand the condition of the weather and how it may or may not affect your vehicle. Understanding your surroundings and your vehicle(s) can decrease the chances of a car accident or any other potential damages. This is a simple, valuable way to reduce deaths that are caused by improper driving.

It is basic knowledge that you are meant to stop when someone is walking across the road, but many do not know when to stop. This is when experience comes into place. The only realistic way to improve your driving skills is to simply drive; all while using your formal education of driving. Without actually being in front of the wheel, you will never be able to not only get comfortable, but also understand how a car operates . A person who has never driven a car won’t know if a car is having malfunctions just by the feel of it, like a person who has experience. Another way to get experience is to see how other people drive, whether you’re in the car with them or you’re watching them from outside another vehicle. It is not only important to get comfortable with the way you drive but also with the way others on the road drive.

One of the widely known factors of car accidents are distracted drivers. One out of every four car crashes in the United States are said to be due to texting while driving. I understand that the text might be so important, but your life and others are even more important. Many phones have advanced technology which allows a person to put their phone on “do not disturb” when driving and sends automatic messages to those who text the driver to let them know that they are unavailable. If possible, drive to a safer area, where no one is driving, thus no one can get injured, and answer the text.

Uncontrolled emotions have been an issue for centuries. Whether it is a positive or negative emotion, it can lead to directionless behavior that may forever change your life or even someone else’s. It is essential to stay calm and focused when driving. Studies show those who are experiencing extreme emotions are not as capable of managing tasks. For example, they may have a harder time clearly thinking, display poor judgment, and become more prone to missing hazards. If there is something going on that is causing you to feel stressed or overwhelmed, drive to an area where you can park and release your feelings before driving again. Also, practice effective self-control which can help better manage unexpected emotions. This will lessen road rage, speeding, and overall improper driving.

Sometimes, it is not always the driver who may be the only one at fault for a car accident. Sometimes, it involves the passengers. Drivers, specifically young adults, are easily influenced by their friends which can lead to reckless driving. To look “cooler” young adults will try to prove themselves to be a strong driver and perform reckless activities such as speeding, drinking alcohol, recording videos, blasting music, body parts outside of the car, and more. Car accidents are known to increase when teens drive a multitude of other teenagers. If a teenager decides to drive, it may be safer to drive with an experienced driver rather than other teenagers until they have a proficient understanding and are fully comfortable and in control of the vehicle. If you are a driver in general, take control of your vehicle and those inside of it. If someone proves themselves untrustworthy and a potential risk (that aren’t children), restrict their ability to be a passenger. You are responsible for everyone who is in the vehicle’s life. Therefore, you should always be in control.

Driving is extremely useful and is one of the most efficient ways to transport yourself from one place to another. So, it is very important that you not only understand the rules of the road, but also yourself. Be able to accurately use your knowledge and experience with driving a vehicle, restrict yourself from distractions, and control the people and yourself when driving. These are the best ways to lessen driving accidents and a safer environment for all.