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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Be Predictable

Name: Amor Rodriguez
From: Houston, Texas
Votes: 0

Be Predictable

New teens are excited to get their first car and finally be able to hit the road. Many can try shortcutting their way and cheating an easy driver ed. class and not even be bothered with the knowledge that is trying to be given to them. As soon as they have a permit in hand they want to go flying. This should never be encouraged. These are young kids who can be easily influenced by their surroundings and have no knowledge of how the road actually works. When they take the knowledge that is being given to them, so many lives can be saved and serious injuries stopped. When driving with people who are trained to teach, they can show you your eros and you can get the first jitters out without risking lives. They are given the tools to know what the bigs things like , what major signs on the road mean and how to react when the car goes out of control to the small things like how to know whose turn it is at a stop sign. This is knowledge that can help someone who has little knowledge of the ways the road to be able to react to any salutation given to them. A simple class like this could help not only new fresh teens but also older people who haven’t been behind a steering wheel in a while. These classes can be easily accessible to anyone. They should be advertised to anyone so people know they have a safe way of learning how to drive. As well as teaching them the real risk that comes with such responsibility. Having these resources be so open to the public as well as judgment free, can help people who may think they are too dumkb or even too old to be trying to learn to drive feel like they have a safe space to train themselves to be better drivers. Although I have been blessed to have never been in a crash , some of my family’s irresponsible driving has gotten us too close for comfort. My biggest experience that has helped me relax and to remember to never drive erratically just for “fun”. We were relaxing and driving down some streets in the afternoon and all of sudden he wanted to start “racing” a car that was next to us on a regular street. They start revving their engines and start booking it. That is when my nerves kicked in because this wasn’t an empty street or some road that was heavily trafficked. Next we know a car switches lanes right in front of my brother, I imagine thinking he was not driving as fast as he was and he had to brake and quickly try and change lanes to not slam into the car that got in front of him. We barely missed side sweeping him. I could have stuck my fingers out and been able to reach the car that was right there. Moments like those have made me realize how close and how bad that could have been and makes me never want to experience that. One wrong move and instead of heading home , I could be heading to the emergency room. I might not be the perfect driver and have room for bettering my skills. I do try and not only help myself but my friends. I try to tell my friends, who are also new drivers, the tips I have learned along th way and how to properly react and be safer. For example, to never try and shortcut for lane switches, always look over your shoulders, check your mirror and use your blinkers. You must be able to communicate with the drivers around you. I also am learning to be consistent. You might be lazy and be on an empty road and think why must I follow these “rules’ ‘ but the more comfortable you get to not doing it, the more dangerous. You can’t get comfortable doing the wrong things. I also try to be predictable, always communicate and let other drivers know what you’re trying to do on the road, if you move around or try doing things without indicating that you plan on doing it, the other drivers might not notice and not react causing traffic, buildups, or worst of all a serious accident. Lastly, a huge rule I believe can be one of the safest things and has saved me from numerous possible t-bones is always take 3 seconds to just look side to side when your light turns green. You never know who is trying to speed and run a red light, but just taking a few seconds to wait or see if anyone is running can save you from plenty of reckless drivers.