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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Zyesha Douglas
From: Topeka, Kansas
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

Driving is something that should be taken very seriously. It is important to be a safe driver not only for your own safety but for the safety of others too. Careless driving and being uneducated about the rules of the road can have fatal or life changing consequences for all those involved. Safe and cautious driving can help prevent unnecessary accidents and deaths. You can avoid speeding tickets, other traffic violations, and insurance increases which help keep money in your pockets if you follow the rules of the roads. Taking your time on the road by following all speed limits and traffic laws is a fantastic start to ensure we all stay safe on these roads we share.

Driving safely involves adjusting mirrors, wearing your seatbelt, checking all brake lights, checking turning signals, and making sure that you as a driver are ready to follow all rules before driving. In short, you should always maintain the maintenance and care of your car and yourself before driving. If you hear any unusual noises or feel any unusual vibrations, you should immediately get your car checked out by your local mechanic. Before driving long distances, you should check your fuel level to ensure you have enough to get you to your desired location. For instance, running out of fuel could result in being stranded in an unfamiliar area or causing a car accident because you stalled in a blind spot. One small misstep like the lack of fuel could be the cost of making it home safely to your family. It is extremely important to be cautious during different weather conditions such as rain and snow. Make sure to follow the speed limits and keep calm. Especially during extreme weather conditions, you may even need to go slower than the speed limit entails or pull over to the side of the road if it is not safe to continue driving safely during that time. Such a condition could be during flooding. It is imperative that you keep calm and don’t make irrational decisions during these stressful situations. You may not want to continue driving because you could hydroplane off the road in that case find another route. Heavy snowfall is another good example that could lead to visibility issues, causing you to wreck. Again, you should pull over to a safe location and wait until the conditions improve or until help comes. Another tip to help in these stressful situations is to make sure you always follow at a safe distance behind other cars. This will ensure that you have enough time to react in case of an accident or unexpected braking. Checking the conditions of your tires to see if the pressure is at a safe level, the tread depth, for signs of any wear and tear, and that there are no obstructions like nails is a great way to keep your tires in good shape for safe braking.

It is crucial that drivers don’t allow themselves to get distracted while driving because that can be dangerous. Anything can be distracting while driving such as conversations with passengers, eating, singing your heart out to the new Taylor Swift album, talking on the phone, or texting. The lack of sleep is another situation that can have serious consequences. In this situation pull over or let someone else drive. You can do your part in keeping others safe. Always be aware of your surroundings by paying attention to areas like school zones, downtown areas, construction zones, and crossing zones. If you observe another driver who is impaired or driving recklessly on the road, immediately call 911 and follow them at a safe distance until the authorities arrive to remove them off of the road, so they can’t cause any accidents. If you know of anyone illegally driving who is underage or doesn’t have a valid license, then immediately call the authorities. Also, you should absolutely never drive while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or while heavily medicated. Being educated on traffic laws and driving safety are two of the most important steps a driver can take to ensure safety on the road.

Parents are vital to teaching their children about safety on the road. Parents can enroll their children in a driver’s education program so they can be more prepared to drive on the road. Adults being safe on the road sets a great example for their children. It’s a good idea for adults to periodically take driver safety courses too so they can stay sharp on their driving skills. A defensive driving course can help you learn how to avoid and prevent accidents before they happen.

It is extremely important that people know how to operate a vehicle correctly and have actually passed their driving test to avoid dangerous outcomes. A part of being educated about driving is knowing all the road signs for any situation, especially the ones warning you about dangers ahead. It is imperative that people take all the necessary steps to be a safe driver and stay educated so we can all keep each other safe and make it home at the end of the day.