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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – All the Right Steps

Name: Lolita Calvillo-Osornio
From: LeGrand, California
Votes: 0

All the Right Steps

As someone who has been involved in a car crash, I can easily tell you what caused this. I have been driving for the past four years but this time I had been driving in a new area, a bigger city compared to where I normally drive. I had my GPS on looking at directions since I had no clue where I was going. Yet, it wasn’t me looking at my phone that caused me to crash yet just the fact that I had no clue where I was turning to or what lane I should have been in for the next exit. This caused another car and me to misunderstand the route and crash. Now before leaving my house to a new area I am unaware of, I check the route on my GPS and if someone else is carpooling with me I have them check the route and be an extra set of eyes. Another simple thing I know people have trouble with, including me, would be wanting to reply or answer a call while driving, especially when you see no cars around. It may get tempting because you think about what can really happen since there are no cars around. Yet there are so many different possibilities of what can happen. The steering wheel can lose control and turn causing you to crash into a building, a telephone pole, and even a person. This puts you and others at risk the minute you get into any vehicle. My grandpa was the one who told me to always be aware of the route you’re going to take before you start driving. This has caused me to easily drive somewhere without having to hesitate on what turn I should be taking. An easy common mistake could be not reading the signs, or even looking for them. You have to look at the horizon as you’re driving to see any dangers ahead. One incident happened where I was driving and ran a stop sign because the stop sign was hidden behind a big semi truck. That could have ended badly but luckily it didn’t. If I had been paying attention just seconds before coming to the stop I may have been able to see the stop sign around the semi truck. Signs are tricky to look for sometimes especially in a big city where there’s so many lanes, lights and signs to look out for. It’s easy to get distracted driving, talking to someone, listening to music or even just looking around. Eating and drinking while driving can be distractions as well. If you can possibly stop to eat in your car, it is best to do so. The biggest mistake a person can make is driving under the influence. If you see someone you know who has been drinking and such, do not let them drive home because not only can they take their life but others as well. It may not always be your fault but another person driving can get distracted and if you are paying attention you can possibly react to the situation. When getting into your vehicle it’s always nice to turn on your music and A/C right away but it’s important to leave your music at a low volume so you can hear any other vehicles. Making sure you check your mirrors and even your floors. Depending on how clean of a person you are, there could always be something rolling around as you’re driving that could possibly distract you or cause you to look away from the road. Once you do that, be sure you buckle in any child you may drive around and also double check their seat in a steady place. Then be sure you know where you’re going, it’s important to know this and be aware of your surroundings. Put your self phone on, do not disturb and if you are meeting someone, let them know you are on your way so they know you are driving as well. You can never be too cautious. These are steps any person can take to try to ensure they will be safe on the road. It’s really hard when you begin driving that you are hoping other drivers know what they are doing and can keep you safe on the road. It starts with you and if you feel safe while you’re driving, that’s the best way that can help you feel safe because you can’t really show others how you want them to drive. It is always important to look out for pedestrians anywhere not just cross walks because as some people may not think about how difficult it can get for the people driving, we have to yield to any pedestrian even if they are in the middle of a street. Other vehicles can see you doing this and can do the same as well. As a beginner driver, try your best to get familiar with your vehicle and begin getting familiar with the roads in your town. I believe these are some ways you can become a safer driver and make a difference.