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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Staying Safe on the Roads

Name: Hannah Grace Komejan
From: Byron Center, Michigan
Votes: 0

The Importance of Staying Safe on the Roads

Driver’s education is very important for reducing the number of deaths due to driving. It is vital that we educate new drivers on staying safe on the roads. One way to educate is to show what can happen if you do not drive safely. Hearing personal stories from people who were victims of car accidents can make new drivers aware of the consequences of not driving safely. Another way to instruct driver’s education students about safe driving is by showing them the statistics of how many car accidents there are per year and how many of those accident victims are teens. Driver’s education also can include bringing a police officer into the classroom to tell of his or her personal encounters while on the job. Watching videos, seeing pictures, and writing reports about accidents can also be an effective tool in leaving a warning and a lasting impression on the student which will influence their actions and decisions of the future. Finally, having experienced teachers who truly care about educating teens in the right ways of driving safely is an important part of driver’s education which can help prevent and reduce traffic accidents and death.

There are many steps that can be taken outside of the classroom to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Distracted driving is one of the major causes of motor vehicle related deaths while driving. Texting while driving, a type of distracted driving, is one of the major causes of accidents and deaths. The solution for the texting problem is don’t text while you drive. Turn off your phone or put it face down so you can’t see it. If it is really important, pull off into a nearby parking lot. Daydreaming can be another problem when it comes to distracted driving. It can be easy to let your mind wander, taking your full attention off the road and your surroundings. A good way to keep yourself from daydreaming while driving is to always keep thinking about the road ahead of you. Another cause of distracted driving accidents is other passengers in the car, especially for new, young drivers. Limiting the number of passengers for the first few years until the driver becomes more responsible is a good way to prevent an accident. Distracted driving isn’t the only cause of deaths on the road. Bad weather can also cause accidents, especially in the winter with snow and ice. A good way to prevent an accident in the winter is to slow down when you drive and give yourself extra time when traveling. Planning and making decisions before a person gets behind the wheel is vital in saving lives.

I have never been in a car accident, thankfully, but I have seen a few members of my extended family driving irresponsibly. Driving 82 mph on the freeway is careless; there is less control over the vehicle. Tailgating is unwise; there is less reaction time. Purposely not letting a car into your lane is rude; it can cause road rage. Taking risks, such as not waiting for traffic to clear is dangerous; it can lead to accidents. Taking out one’s anger by getting behind the wheel to cool off is just plain reckless. Driving with wisdom and courtesy is important in preventing traffic accidents and death.

There are many steps you can take to become a better and safer driver, as well as help others around you to become likewise. Here are some of my ideas that I use to keep myself safe on the roads. Keeping distractions at a minimum is number one on my list. Obviously, I can’t prevent all distractions from occurring, but I try to minimize as many distractions as I can. I don’t use my phone while driving, I make sure to stay fully focused on the road ahead of me, and I tell the passengers in my car to be quiet if they are too much of a distraction to me. Whenever I drive somewhere, I always give myself extra time to get there, just in case there is construction or I come upon an accident. During the winter if the weather is really bad, I leave extra early and drive slowly to avoid an accident. Something else I do when I’m riding with other people is look out for them. If I see something that could potentially cause an accident or looks unsafe, I let them know. It’s always good to be aware and observant on the roads, even if you aren’t the one driving.