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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Lilyan Grace Rangel
From: Elk City, Ok
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

Driver Education is the major thing that is used to help reduce deaths in driving. It is used to show people who are just starting out or peopl who have disobeyed the law the do’s and don’t’s of the road along with the meaning of many road signs. It even goes as far to show the real-life aftermath of irresponsible driving. Personally while I was in driver education associating an actual human with the accident made it extremely realistic and made me realise that car accidents are very common and if not taken seriously I could be in one too. Now should it be a longer course? Absolutely!!! I took a class for two days and then drove for a couple of hours and then bam!! I was an “experienced driver”. I most certainly was not. I was scared out of my mind. So I propose the idea of taking a class for maybe a week and then driving for a week. That could better prepare a person to drive on the road. Now if we as a society want people to take driving seriously then we need to quit making it so accepted. When someone is caught driving irresponsible there needs to be a heavier punishment rather than a slap on the wrist for most things. I am not talking about a small fine either. There should be major consequences. A heavy fine or many even time served, because what we are not realizing as a society is when you are doing things irresponsible on the road you are basically attempting murder. Because by not paying attention or being reckless you are a danger to yourself and others. So if we slowly start to implement stronger laws for things such as: no seatbelt, speeding, texting, and just being reckless. These actions will slowly decrease, because people will realise we as a society are not joking about driving. It is a serious thing. You’re driving heavy machinery and you should act like it. I feel like we should maybe even go as far as to increase the age for driving, because at 16 can you even comprehend the idea that if not following the rules you can commit murder? Absolutely not, because you are a child at that point. All you are thinking about is I have to get home. I am late for curfew or I am late for school. So you drive recklessly due to that and it could ruin your life. Now lastly the thing I have to recommend is having to have your permit for a year before you get your license, because 6 month is just foolish. That may be enough time to understand the basics, but you should be a professional driver before you are givin any license to drive freely on the road with others. I have never experienced a car accident, but I have experienced irresponsible driving that could’ve easily led to a wreck. I honesly feel like any kid can say that. They have looked over and their parents are texting or going over the speed limit because they are late. Or maybe just because they just aren’t watching their speed. This is not only putting you and your child in danger, but you are showing your child that this is acceptable behavior. Which in turn creates new drivers who aren’t driving responsibly, because this is how their parents do it so why should they know to do it differently? What you should be doing when driving is putting your phone in an inaccessible place. You should then make sure every single person adult or child is wearing a seatbelt in the car before even putting it in drive. Lastly make sure you are doing your absolute best to watch the road and follow the rules to guarantee you make it to your destination safely. By doing this you are showing your children, friends, or maybe even parents the correct way to drive responsibly. You may even rub off on someone and they will change their bad driving habits. Overall driving responsibility is important and should be considered important to everyone. If every single person drove safely and correctly that would eliminate many deaths due to cars. Now would it eliminate all? No, because again cars are heavy machinery and there are many freak accidents that could occur. By doing your part though you would not only save lives, but save your loved ones lives, by influencing the way that they drive on a daily basis.