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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Dangers of Driving and the Steps That Can Be Taken to Make Driving Safer

Name: Brett Ryan Kelly
From: Pittsburgh, PA
Votes: 0

The Dangers of Driving and the Steps That Can Be Taken to Make Driving Safer

90 people a day are killed in traffic accidents. This is a shockingly high number, but fortunately, there are many ways we can reduce this number. Most accidents are a result of reckless driving, impaired driving, and phone usage. In addition, a lot of traffic fatalities are a result of a person not wearing their seatbelt. At a young age, we must educate people on the dangers that come with the privilege of driving. Our school district previously did a mock car accident right before prom. A few classmates acted out a scene where they got drunk after prom and decided to drive home. The scene was so detailed that they used fake blood and had them drive off in an ambulance. I believe our school district should bring this back as it caused students to realize that it could happen to them or their friends. Another tool that could be utilized is bringing in family members of someone that died in a traffic accident. I believe hearing a first-hand story of the dangers of driving could make an impact on a person’s driving behaviors. In addition, students can do driving simulations where they experience how being impaired or on their phone can impact their driving.

In addition, I believe before getting a license you should have to take an online course. I live in Pennsylvania and an online course isn’t required before getting your license. However, the state offers DMVEdu to those who received an eligible citation. The course covers driving laws and regulations as well as safe driving practices that can be utilized to avoid car accidents. A similar course should be required in every state before getting a license.

Some additional steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are having parents set strict expectations for their children when they start driving. A lot of youth car accidents happen late at night which can be reduced by parents setting a curfew. Also, many teenagers drink and end up driving afterward. I think it’s important for parents to make it clear to their children that if they drink, they are more than happy to pick them up rather than their child trying to drive home to avoid getting in trouble for drinking. In addition, there are apps that allow parents to monitor if their child is speeding or using their phone while driving.

There continues to be advanced technology in cars that will reduce the number of accidents. Almost all new cars today have lane assistance, blind spot monitoring, and an automatic braking system. Some other technology that car companies have developed is being able to pick up a call or text someone by just using your voice. In addition, companies like Tesla have installed a self-driving mode that is safer than a human driving. In conclusion, while technology nowadays causes distracted driving to be at an all-time high, further advancements made in technology can put an end to distracted driving.

While I have not been in a car accident myself, my brother was in a car accident that was the result of distracted driving. He was driving to baseball practice when his permission slip to go on a team trip to Florida flew out the passenger window. Rather than let the piece of paper fly out the window and pull over to get it, he reached across the car and jerked the wheel crashing into a brick mailbox. Luckily no one was injured, but this opened my eyes up to the dangers of distracted driving. When my friends or family are speeding or go on their phone while driving, I tell them to knock it off. I let them know that they are not only putting their life at risk, but they are putting their passengers’ lives and those around them at risk. Also, many of my friends try not to wear a seatbelt when in the backseat. I refuse to drive my friends if they aren’t wearing a seatbelt.

One poor driving habit I exhibit is driving while tired. This summer I’ve worked most days starting at 6 am. There have been times I have woken up very tired because of staying up too late. Rather than risking dozing off for even just a second while driving, I should have asked my mom to give me a ride to work. I could also lower the volume that I play my music. It only takes one bad decision for an accident to occur, and I need to continue to make sure I exhibit safe driving habits.