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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Why Driver’s Education Is Important

Name: Tamar Moses
From: Bowie, Maryland
Votes: 0

Why Driver’s Education Is Important

Being well educated in driver’s education is very important when considering the safety of everyone on the road. When driving, drivers not only have to worry about themselves, but also they have to worry about passengers in their vehicle as well as other vehicles around them. Driving requires intense concentration; occasionally, the slightest details can have a big impact. Sometimes the smallest things can cause someone to become distracted while driving. Fortunately, newer cars are coming up with elements within the vehicle to make driving safer. These features are made to be simple to use and won’t be as much of a distraction while driving. Accidents can still happen because of human error. Because of this, being well educated about the road and other attributes pertaining to driving helps with making wise decisions while driving on the road. Being able to understand the many different road signs, lines on the road, and knowing the correct way to drive during certain weather conditions best protects not only yourself, but others on the road, reducing the chances of deaths on the road.

Limiting the amount of distractions while driving on the road is important. Little things like wearing a seatbelt and taking all safety precautions before taking off is the best start to driving safely on the road. Other small steps like turning off alerts on cell phones and even putting the phone on quiet can help lessen possible distractions on the road. When doing this, it allows more of the driver’s attention to be on the road rather than their phones. Not taking these steps can decrease drivers’ reaction time by looking at their phone too long. In order to listen to the music with as little distractions as possible while driving, depending on the model of the driver’s vehicle, learning the buttons to the radio or other features can help with continuously looking away from the road. Also even making a playlist in preparation before driving can be useful. This can make changing the song while driving less distracting and more of a joyful experience. Another step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths on the road is no longer driving under the influence of any type of substance, whether that is alcohol, drugs, or anything that can disturb a driver’s abilities behind the wheel. Taking these small steps can help improve drivers’ quality of driving and the safety of everyone on the road.

Luckily in my favor, I have thankfully not been in an accident, however, I have had both family members and friends that have unfortunately been in a car accident. After listening to their experiences, the majority of their accidents were not their fault. A lot of their accidents were the result of someone being under the influence or because of deers jumping in front of their vehicle while driving. These traumatic experiences have made everyone more cautious with how they handle driving in certain areas as well as myself. Listening to their stories, I have applied that to the way I drive and it has made me more cautious with how I drive and more aware of my surroundings.

Steps that I have been taking to limit my distractions while driving is turning off my alerts and putting my phone on quiet. When I do this, I’ve noticed that I don’t look at my phone as often. When I listen to my music in the car, in order to listen to the music with as little distractions as possible while driving, I started making different playlists to help with keeping me entertained. This made changing the song while driving less distracting and convenient for whatever mood I am in. Thankfully I have a newer car, so I have memorized all the buttons in my car to allow me to focus more on the road than having to look away from the road to change stations and/or songs. Sometimes I still will hear a song I may not want to listen to at that time, so this is a more convenient way to change the song. Furthermore, there are some things that I cannot control. Therefore, I try to be in the correct frame of mind before driving. I prefer to not drive discombobulated either so that I will have full awareness of what is going on around me. Last but not least, there isn’t much I can do with the GPS, so I just try to pay as much attention as I can and drive safely. This is my strategy for safe driving with the fewest possible distractions.