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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving with a Purpose

Name: Raniyha Thomas
From: Olympia Fields, Illinois
Votes: 0

Driving with a Purpose

The importance of driver education is to show drivers how to drive safely, teach common sense, and how to drive defensively. We need driver education to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving. This information is essential because it can help reduce fatalities among young teens. New drivers need to know how to avoid accidents, drive defensively, and be safe on the road. Things we can do to reduce the number of deaths to driving is to have digital signs that show your speed, and if it is above the speed limit, the sign will issue you a ticket. Lastly, we can get people in the area and start a group on why everyone needs to drive safely and express the effects of unsafe driving. It is important to me never to take things for granted. On September 16, 2021, I was involved in a severe accident and nearly lost my life in a car accident. I was driving at a high speed and could not stop my vehicle and subsequently hit a utility pole and was ejected from the vehicle. I was unconscious, lying on the side of the road, but by the grace of God, the vehicles behind me pulled over to aid me as medical personnel arrived to transport me to the hospital. To this day, I am still shocked and overjoyed that I survived this ordeal. Due to the accident, I fractured my right hip, had tears in my liver, and had to have my spleen removed. My local hospital wasn’t prepared to address my injuries, so I was transferred to the Cook County Hospital in Chicago to have my surgeries. My parents were okay with this decision because the County hospital is known to have the best doctors in the Chicagoland area. After my emergency surgery, I remained in the hospital for two weeks. This was a hard experience for me because I couldn’t do things independently any longer, like go to the bathroom or take a bath. I nearly missed half of my senior year, like senior night games and homecoming, due to being on crutches. The recovery was the hardest part of the entire process. Dealing with becoming dependent on every little thing we sometimes take for granted affected me mentally. My family always remained supportive and understanding throughout my entire process and stayed by my side through all the doctor appointments and therapy sessions. The Sheriffs who towed my car away couldn’t believe I survived the accident and drove to my house to meet me in person. They couldn’t believe that I survived the accident because the car was unrecognizable.

My personal experience in the hospital made me want to take being a nurse seriously and pursue my dreams. Being able to help those in need has always been a dream of mine, which is why college is important to me. After the accident, I was terrified to be in the car again and told myself I would never drive again. My parents told me I would eventually drive again when I was ready. Six months later, I realized I wanted to drive again because I was a senior on my way to college in a different state, and my parents were not going to be there to chauffeur me around all the time, so I decided to give it another shot. I started driving around blocks until I got comfortable and sooner than later, I felt comfortable enough to drive on my own. I overcame the injuries of my accident because I was determined and knew I could do anything I put my mind to, and this is why I believe God has given me a second chance at life. This experience has taught me not always be in a rush and to take my time. The nurses who cared for me during my stay showed me that I have what it takes to impact individual people’s lives. I have higher goals to achieve and receiving this scholarship will let me know that all my hard work paid off because I have worked hard all four years of high school to get to where I am now. I know people make mistakes, and it only takes a strong person to overcome them. A driving habit I would change to make myself a safer driver is to have patience. As a new driver, I always felt the urgency to move from one place to another. From this experience, I’ve learned not to rush, and seat belts do save lives because this is what saved me. Another step I would take to make myself a better driver is to pay attention to my surroundings and avoid distractions. I have learned many lessons; one of them is to drive for myself and others. These changes will help anyone before a safe and better driver. It is risky to drive careless because you can get seriously hurt or hurt someone else. I plan to pay it forward and give back by volunteering at events to educate and assist needy individuals. Awareness still needs to be towards safe driving, and with continued awareness, we can help reduce the number of deaths caused by driving recklessly. I believe that people who have a story to tell from an accident must tell their stories. This would be great for everyone because the experience will be with us every day of our life, and anyone can benefit from the experience. I am not a superwoman and do not claim to change the world, but I am excited and ready to do my part. Becoming a nurse practitioner will allow me to ensure that the patients under my care feel seen, heard, and drives safely. I feel that my story can benefit someone, from the lows to the highs; anything is possible with determination and drive. I have been blessed to have made it through my accident and will not take life or anything else for granted.