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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Rules Of The Road

Name: Omari Timmerman
From: New Orleans, LA
Votes: 0

Rules Of The Road

My first time behind the wheel was when I went into my senior year of high school. Since then being on the road taught me many things. Most importantly, you’re not just driving for yourself but for others as well. With that being said, not following the rules of the road can be very dangerous.

I’m going to be talking about the importance of safe driving. During my training to learn to drive I did get into my first accident. Luckily, it was an early morning with not many cars outside. But, this was also my mothers car so there were definitely some consequences. Before being judged, the explanation for my actions was getting us some donuts. To this day I still believe that was a valid reason. It was also a back street so there weren’t many possibilities for it to get worse. This all happened because I looked down and took my eyes off the road for a second then lost control. Then causing the car to go up on the neutral ground. Thankfully I was ok and no one else was hurt. Now ever since then I keep my eyes glued to the road. Even when I’m not the driver, it’s best to always be prepared for whatever could happen.

My second accident was much more dangerous. Also it was not my fault this time. It was a rainy night around 3 in the morning, as I was on my way home from the studio. There was a drunk driver that was speeding which made him lose control of his car and crash into mine. Still I don’t understand why I drive so recklessly. This happened at the beginning of this year in February because of this, I’ve been without a car for a while now.Moving back to Houston to finish school will be difficult without it. Surprisingly the other driver was an old man. There may be more young drivers driving this way. But that doesn’t exclude the elderly. The man I’m talking about was about 60- 70 years old. That really concerned me because, What was learned from this is that you’re now only driving for yourself but others who are not in the right state of mind.

I haven’t been in any other car accidents but, two is enough for me. Since I haven’t been driving, whenever I’m in a car, being alert is just natural. Some never get a chance to walk out of their car after an accident. I am really grateful for even still being here. Knowing how everything could have played out differently. Being a part of this scholarship will help me with getting a new car to succeed in my mobe back to Houston to continue school. Also promote safe driving because, the impact it’ll have on my life I’ll make sure impacts others to do the same. Cannot make everyone a safe driver but, starting with myself is somewhere to begin.

Also would like to speak on the importance of transportation. Especially in Houston it’s a necessity. My hometown New Orleans is small, so you can get away with catching public transportation. But, when I first moved to Houston was when I knew I’d have to have a car in order to complete and do the things I needed to do. Such as, going to work, school, working out etc. Uber was a quick bandaid for the problem. Honestly, I was averaging eight hundred to a thousand dollars on Uber and Lft alone a month. That was some of the hardest times to deal with due to me having rent and other utilities to take care of.

In Conclusion, following the rules of the road is important. All drivers should be cautious at all times while behind the wheel. It can be dangerous and by being aware of your surroundings is a necessity to being safe. Although only being in two accidents, I’ve learned a lot from my previous experiences from driving on the road. Would really like you to consider me for this scholarship because of the impact I will try to have on the road in order to keep it safe. As well as the benefits of it helps me get a new car in order to complete the tasks that will be at hand while on my journey to complete school. This scholarship would be very much appreciated even if the slightest help is taken with thankfulness. Making me make a promise to achieve greatness in school.