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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Our Future Is In Your Hands

Name: Rumneek Gill
From: Merced , CA
Votes: 0

Our Future Is In Your Hands

About 4.35 million people are seriously injured in car accidents. Most of the state’s deaths are caused by reckless driving. There are several points where there should be improved safety hazards and a room for responsibility to carry on the guidelines for being on the road. Overall reaction, visions and judgment has a significant part in driving safely.

The importance of driving education is a result in preventing a serious car accident and in reducing the prevention of future deaths on the road. Each individual has a mentality in which they think that out of millions of people nothing will occur to them. I have family friends that usually are going on their phones just for a second to switch songs. Though they do not realize that anything can happen in seconds.

There are situations in which it’s not always your fault when accidents happen even if you are driving with your full attention things still can happen. In some cases the car has a bad engine or it’s too old of a model for it to work properly. Though we need to understand that not everyone has technology or speciality in their cars. Such as the latest cars that are coming out have unique apps and features in which it helps the driver drive more in caution. Thinking aside from this even though these special technologies for cars are helpful, not everyone is able to have access to this.

Though we are making minor changes which can represent better safety for our community. Some of these changes are shorter blocks less than 90 meters in some locations 600 feet. Short blocks will help improve for the pedestrians safety this is by establishing more intersections and more ways in crossing the street. More roundabouts are being created which can make a drastic difference in safety benefits. In this case the traffic is going to move in the same directions in which vehicles do not have a choice but to slow down and lower the chances of collisions. As well as chicanes are being made which makes the driver slow down and pay closer attention.

When you are behind the wheel your full attention and consciousness should be on the road when driving. Though not everyone obeys the rules. The one priority when driving on the road is to always keep your eyes on the road and try not to get distracted. For example the most common distraction while driving is being on your phone another distraction can be drinking while driving. From my experience the biggest distraction I have seen is having a conversation while driving. Even after knowing the consequences of these actions people still do not understand the fact that such distractions can cause risks.

Furthermore, taking driving education classes teaches the individual on how to take right stops from a proper distance, using the blinkers when taking a right or left turn, following the correct speed limit on the roads on a highway, etc. Taking Driving Education Courses is required in California in order to take a drivers test for minors. You have to take both the online and in person driving classes. There are a certain amount of hours you have to complete in order to qualify for taking the written and driving exam. I genuinely remember my sessions very well. I gained many skills while taking my morning classes.

I have heard many stories where careless driving caused many problems. A little while back I had a family friend driving uphill in which along that road there was an upcoming roundabout. Though the driver’s speed was so fast that he was not able to slow down the car on time which caused the car to crash down hill. This caused two deaths which were both in their teen years and three of the passengers had severe injuries. After this incident happened the road was shut off and the mayor reported news on the situation informing other drivers to stay on the speed limit.

To make sure I am driving safely I put my phone on do not disturb and leave my phone in the back seat. This helps me because my phone is not in reach and putting it on do not disturb helps me not get notifications so i will not think about who is contacting me at the time. Secondly whenever i am driving i do not have conversations in the car. My family also has this app SAFE 2 SAVE that helps motivate drivers to not text while driving. It’s like a game where you get two points for every minute of safe driving. My family keeps a competition every week to see who has the most points in total and then my parents award the person that has earned the most points.

Overall I personally suggest that there should be more rules and regulations in our system in order to make it more strict to follow the laws that are already reinforced. Drug test should be taken to see if the driver is sober or not to drive as well as seeing the amount of activity being used on the phone while driving.