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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Enough is Enough

Name: Mira Sakhia
From: Reston, Virginia
Votes: 0

Enough is Enough

All around the world, people are learning how to drive. From the age of 15 and on, teens are getting behind the wheel. Although everyone is taught to drive safely, they still get into accidents with potential mortality or get tickets. In total, according to the CDC, “in 2019, almost 2,400 teens in the United States aged 13–19 were killed and about 258,000 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes” (CDC). Overall, “more than 46,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. An additional 4.4 million are injured seriously enough to require medical attention” (Association for Safe International Road Travel). Unsafe driving such as not following traffic regulations or even just not paying attention causes most of these deaths and accidents. Another issue that causes accidents and deaths is drinking, smoking, or doing drugs before or while being behind the wheel. This issue has gotten out of hand, and we need to become safer on the road. 

Our first step towards reducing the number of deaths due to car crashes is emphasizing the importance of driver education. Just by taking the steps towards having a proper driving education allows the learner to understand that they need to be safe on the roads, not only to protect themselves but also all the other drivers and passengers around them. Drivers education helps new drivers understand the way the traffic system works and how to be safe on the roads. It prepares them for what they should expect on the road, including any hazards around them. If we did not have any driver’s education, the roads would be more dangerous than they already are, as no one will truly understand the way the road works or what laws they must follow to keep them safe. 

Another step our community can take to reduce deaths and injuries on the roads is having the teachers, parents, or guardians demonstrate safe driving habits. On the road, I have seen so many people speeding to cross the intersection before the light turns red, even though the light was yellow for quite some time. I live near a very busy intersection, where I always hear crashes occur, just because the driver was not driving safely. I have also experienced seeing someone drive under the influence, where they drove off my family’s driveway into a ditch and proceeded to be stuck in the mud. It was a very eye-opening experience to see what driving under the influence can do to the mind, where it causes drivers to drive off the road or even hallucinate.  A heartbreaking tragedy happened at a high school near me. Two students died and one was critically injured while walking on the sidewalk due to an 18-year-old driver who was speeding at 81 mph on a 35 mph road. He hit an SUV, which in turn, caused the three students to be hit. Fortunately, my parents drive responsibly and they have been great role models, teaching us things as they drive. This is very important for those who have not learned how to drive yet, as it sets an example for them. It teaches them what is expected on the road and how to stay safe on the road. 

Already, there are so many attempts to promote safe driving to reduce deaths. Not everyone pays attention to them, but just making the effort to say something about it or drive safely around others already helps reduce the number of deaths. Being aware of the risks on the road is key to influence drivers to drive safely, emphasizing that it is key that we have drivers education to allow for a reduced mortality rate related to car accidents. There are so many crazy drivers out there, where even I have experienced people who have cut me or someone else off, speed, and run red lights. However, I ensure that I do not follow their practices. I make sure that my phone is put away. Sometimes, I will even turn off the radio if I am in an unfamiliar area or am driving at night when I need to stay even more focused. I always watch my speed, the traffic lights and signs in front of me, as well as all of the cars around me. My parents always stress how important it is to be aware of the cars around you, so you can prevent an accident and prevent others from getting into accidents.  

It is crazy to think about how many unsafe drivers there are, but I know that if I demonstrate safe driving skills and stay aware of my surroundings, I am taking the effort to protect myself, as well as those who are around me. Anytime someone drives, they take a risk. It is sad to see how there are so many accidents, deaths, and injuries, due to just driving. Almost all of them are preventable if we just drive safely. If everyone takes the step to learn how to drive safely and actually executes driving safely, it will drastically reduce the number of car crashes we will see. Enough is enough.