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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – DMV EDU Scholarship Essay

Name: Elvin Reyes
From: Atlanta , Georgia
Votes: 0

DMV EDU Scholarship Essay

The importance of a Driver’s ED is paramount. So many people get on the road with no license or practice, which is illegal and a safety hazard. Properly learning to drive on the street is an effective solution to preventing as much death on the road. There are just many rules that need to be obeyed on the road to keep everyone safe & if you don’t know these fundamental laws, there’s a high possibility of accidents leading to death; or tickets leading to unnecessary fines. Unfortunately, many people think Drivers Ed isn’t worth it due to the price tag attached to it. But there are many benefits to taking Drivers ED. Drivers Ed teaches great awareness of drugs and alcohol usage while driving and the dangers of being intoxicated while behind the wheel; it also shows the consequences. While taking Drivers Ed, you’re obligated to be behind the wheel, so it helps with reaction time & the dangers of the distractions around you, like your phone or dashboard. Drivers ed will teach you everything you need to know to drive safely on the roads without breaking any rules.

Steps that can be taken are being aware of your surroundings 24/7. Most accidents happen because the other person was in their blind spot. So being aware of all your blindspot will ensure you know your surroundings. Another on to keep everyone safe is to keep up with the speed limit. I’ve seen too many people get hit because they’re going too slow when someone else is merging into the freeway. So keep up the pace and move over when people merge to ensure no accidents happen. A significant step to reducing accidents is to stop using your phone while driving; this messes up your reaction time. At times your reaction time will save your life if you are aware. Finally, not being intoxicated can reduce accidents by a ton; I get that drinking for the occasion might be fun, but to risk other innocent lives is unacceptable. Other alternatives to getting home include Ubers, Lyfts, Taxis, or even a family member/friend who can provide a ride. So if there’s always an alternative, take it because life’s too short of dying over a simple mistake that could’ve been resolved.

I always see people distracted while driving. People driving irresponsibly scare me sometimes because, in a matter of seconds, we could die in here because they were so focused on everything else but the streets. My family always does this & it drives my anxiety insane. And it’s worse for my family because they’re truck drivers and are so used to being on the phone while driving. They think it’ll never happen since they’ve been doing it for so long. I notice it so much, but it’s kind of hard to keep your family accountable because they’ll think you’re just being annoying. They won’t see it as I’m trying to help them and keep us safe. They’ll just think I’m trying to stop their business. I don’t blame them for being on their phone sometimes because it’s mostly for business purposes, but these business purposes are more important than our lives. And I know I’m the only person to speak up about it, which scares me cause what if they’re alone or with others and their phone causes significant accidents. I just don’t want it to get to that point for them to have to believe me. But being aware is mandatory because I remember getting in an accident with my friend’s family, and the cause was being unaware. We were coming from Six Flags when my friend’s dad was driving, and he was paying attention to changing the song on the dashboard; then the car ran off to the emergency lane, smashed into the side rail, and scraped the whole car leaving it totaled. But I say this to raise awareness that these accidents can be prevented.

Some steps to be a safe driver are to scan the roads in front of you & hundreds of feet in front of you. Doing this ensures you’re aware of the path you’re headed to, just in case you need to yield or break. Even if there’s a roadblock, being mindful will always have you prepared. But some way to keep other drivers safe is to keep them accountable while driving. Make them understand that they’re in control of your life. Make sure they’re not texting while driving & if the owner of the car is intoxicated, drive, even if they don’t want you to. If you have a license and have the opportunity to drive for a drunk person, do it because you could save innocent lives.