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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Do Your Part First

Name: Joslyn Moore
From: Lakeland , FL
Votes: 0

Do Your Part First

When it comes to driving, safety is a must. There is no doubt that when driving on the road unexpected things happen. We have all seen car accidents, whether during or after, involving cars with crumbled hoods, shattered windows, and exploded airbags. Every action we do on the road can impact our likelihood of getting into an accident. That is why it is important to always do our part by staying alert, not checking our phones, not driving while impaired, or driving with distractions.

I believe that drivers education courses work to reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving through teaching new potential drivers how to be safe, be alert, and smart drivers. From my own personal experience, that’s exactly what driver’s education did for me. I remember specifically watching videos of people driving and going about their daily lives and checking their phone for a split second, and instantly, their whole life changes. I remembered these videos the most because it made me aware of how fast things can change even when doing something for a split second. In a way, watching these videos scared me in a good aspect because I was aware of the severity and dangers of driving thus making me a cautious driver.

To reduce the number of deaths related to driving I firstly believe it’s important to educate drivers. It’s important to educate drivers so they’re aware of the consequences of distracted driving or being under the influence. However, I have noticed that within myself ever since I have gotten more comfortable with driving, I have let things slide a little bit, like checking my phone. So, as good as I believe it is to educate the young, I also believe it is still important to remind the experienced of how dangerous driving can be. Secondly, I think it is also very important to always have a planned way home after a night out. People still think they can drink and drive successfully. But a $15 Uber is better than your life. My voice is my best tool for advocating for safe driving. I always tell my friends, I am only a phone call away and will come get them. Thirdly, I believe that the new cars coming out are a great tool to maximize driving safety to limit the number of deaths. It’s great when a car tells you to buckle up or that you’re about to cross a double yellow line or go off the road and correct your wheel.

I have never been in a car accident but I have had close calls. There was one time that I almost hit a mother and her daughter in my neighborhood because I was on my phone. If I had hit them, my life easily wouldn’t have been the same. I also know of two boys that I went to highschool with who were in a drunk driving accident and crashed into a tree. The boy in the passenger seat was also unbuckled and told me he “woke up in the back seat”. Another time was when I was in the back seat of my friend’s car with other people and we were driving through the back roads of Maryland and they were going 100 MPH, I was absolutely terrified for my life. As I write about my experiences, too many instances are coming to my head and I’m beginning to realize this is more common in my own life than I realized.

Another accident that I know of involved my mom and it has always affected the way I view driving. This accident wasn’t the result of irresponsible driving but more of a losing control accident. When my mom was 12 she was in a car accident with her 17 year old sister and my mom ended up losing her sister. To this day, my mom still struggles with the trauma and I hurt for her. Seeing the way this accident still impacts her makes me want to try my best and prevent anything along the lines from happening to me or any of my family members or friends.

I firstly believe that doing our parts to be safe drivers is the best start to becoming better and safer drivers for ourselves and others. This means, don’t drive if you’re drunk, don’t check your phone while driving, don’t drive your car if it’s broken and can put you or someone else at harm, follow the speed limit, respect handicap drivers, and pay attention. I could go on and on, but I thoroughly believe that doing your part keeps you safe and others safe. I also believe that to help others become safer on the road, make them aware of resources like Uber, Lyft or DD’s if they don’t already know about them. And next to that, make people understand the severity of driving impaired or with distractions and help them understand that their life can change in a blink of an eye.

But personally for me, what I need to work on to be a safer driver is to not check my phone while driving. Even if it is just a quick glance, just don’t do it. I also need to leave earlier for work or other events so I don’t have to speed or rush.

There are many things we can do to be safe drivers, doing our parts first is a step to making the road a safer place. Staying alert, aware and not distracted are other great methods to make driving safe as well. If we all do the right thing, it’s those little bits of good put together that make good seem more whole.