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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Distracted Driving Can Lead to Disaster

Name: Michelle Weitekamp
From: Raymond, IL
Votes: 0

Distracted Driving Can Lead to Disaster

January 7, 2023, my friends and I were on our way to go to Barnes and Noble in Springfield to look for some books. We were excited to hangout for the first time in a while and talked the entire way there. We were laughing and having fun, talking about a random food store down the road when suddenly, the tires were screeching, and we hit the back of someone’s car. My friend, Laura, was the one driving and she was panicking. In accidents, I take the role of being a quiet and externally calm friend. My other friend, Izzy, in the back was doing her best to calm Laura down. The driver we hit pulled into a parking lot nearby and we followed to exchange information and apologize. Luckily, the driver was extremely calm and understanding. We were extremely grateful that his car was barely scratched, but Laura’s car was a little dented.

Ever since this accident, my friends and I have been extremely cautious with our own driving. When we ride as passengers in other friends’ cars, we find ourselves imaginary braking due to close braking. I still fear that fear today when I ride in cars, even with my parents. I believe that beginner drivers should always prioritize their safety when driving, rather than entertaining passengers or using their phones.

Another accident I experienced was about 4 months after I got my license. I was a beginning driver, dropping my friend off at her house and then going back to my house with my siblings in the back. I had just dropped off my friend at her house and was heading back home. I saw a tractor with a scoop coming out of a driveway down the road, and another car coming my way as well. I did not consider that the scoop tractor would not stop creeping out of the driveway, so as I was trying to go past the tractor, the scoop scraped the side of my car, leaving a huge dent in the side, and busting my main and passenger window into thousands of shards of glass. I was beyond grateful that my siblings were okay. Since I had just dropped my friend off, a majority of the glass landed in the empty passenger seat. In the end, no one was harmed, and I eventually got my door and windows fixed. The loud boom of my window shattering did affect my siblings and I, but it eventually went away.

From this incident, I have learned to be more aware of my surroundings, be more cautious when it comes to other drivers, and to always prioritize the safety of my passengers. I learned to spread awareness to always be cautious of other drivers when it comes to driving on the road, especially when you notice they are not paying attention.

My school has a history of driving accidents that usually lead to death. Every other year, one student gets in a huge accident either leading to their death or the death of others. The most recent incident led to the death of two young girls and their grandfather’s. These accidents bring our entire community together to bring awareness to those lost, and how we can prevent things like that from happening.

I have not been in a car without distracted driving when it comes to friends. The other day, my friend kept looking at her phone while driving for directions. She was swerving and kept spending too much time looking down. I offered the solution of buying a phone holder to keep the phone closer to the windshield so there was a less chance of swerving off the road, but she insisted that she was a good driver. There is a significant difference between people who call themselves a good driver and an experienced driver. Knowing how to drive is different from knowing what to do when sliding down an icy road. Inexperience is what separates bad drivers from good ones. Every mistake I make, I learn from it and remember to avoid repeating it in the future.

Every moment we drive, we put ourselves at risk of any accident, so we must be as responsible as we can and make the right decisions. Prioritizing safe driving, as well as the safety of ourselves and the people around us will create a safer environment for everyone. My experience with accidents has led me to a better understanding of the importance of driving safely, staying focused, and being smart. I hope new and learning drivers can do their best to stay safe and be responsible.