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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Brittany Evans
From: Lawton, Oklahoma
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat

Many of us have busy lives and travel to work, school, stores, as well as to visit family and friends. We often take some of our freedoms for granted. The main form of travel we all use is driving. Driving is a huge responsibility. As children many of us cannot wait to get our license. We will be “free” to take ourselves wherever we would like to go. We rarely stop and think about everything happening around us and how big getting a driver’s license is. Many children around the world take driver’s education before getting a license. This class is designed to help drivers prepare for the written and driving exam. In the class, instructors do presentations and warn students of all the possible interactions that can and will happen on the road. I can think back to when I was in drivers education. I was so happy and giddy. I was with my friends, we were driving, learning, and assuming none of the negative things being presented would ever happen to us. Driver’s education is important because it equips students with knowledge. The instructors in this class help students learn how to drive, what to look for, and the serious responsibilities that come along with driving. There is no limit on what age a person can attend driver’s education. I completely understand why teenagers attend the class. Around the age a teenager is preparing to get their license, life is changing and the adults around them are preparing them for the good, bad and indifferent. In driver’s education there are many scenarios presented. Students can ask as many questions they can think of and are provided answers and resolutions to them all. Driver’s education is a time to solely focus on driving and being the best driver you can be.

Death is inevitable. As sad as it is to think or talk about, there will come a day when each of us will no longer be here. Everyday we live is another gift. We can treasure that gift by being responsible and doing everything in our power to protect life. Too often we turn on the news and see car accidents resulting in death. We can do our personal due diligence by being aware. As drivers we should get everything situated before we start driving. We should not be texting and looking at the road through our peripheral vision. We should not be reaching in the backseat or trying to connect Bluetooth. We should not do anything that takes our attention from the road. One second of distraction can make a huge difference. Drivers should remain aware. Being alive is gift and we should treat it as such.

I believe it is safe to say, we all have at least one person in this world that appreciates and loves our presence. We may not always feel that is true, but it is a fact. I can think of quite a few people in my life that if something happened to them I would not know what to do or how to react. One of the individuals that come to mind is a very close family member. I will not say the familial relation, to reserve their privacy. This individual was a troubled teen. One parent was attempting to lead him down the right path with rules and discipline, while the other allowed him to roam as he pleased. This individual was incarcerated before the time came to take driver’s education. For a span of time this family member was in and out. When the time came, he did everything necessary to get his license. He was overjoyed by the simplest freedoms. The world had continued, in his words, while he was inside. As time passed, depression set in for this individual. Alcohol was and still is his coping mechanism. Before I realized what was happening, there were times I thought he was fully function, but everyone knew he was out of it. The progression and recklessness happened extremely fast. He totaled a truck and his friend flew through the windshield. By the grace of God, no one died. In order to help this family member, whenever he needs a ride, I am there. Whenever I see he has arrived somewhere and should not be driving, I take his keys. No matter how upset he gets or how big of a fit he throws I am there to help. I do not mind helping those around me. I would rather take a detour to drop you off at home, instead of reading a eulogy.

Being a safe driver does not always come firsthand to individual. For myself, I limit distractions. I let everyone know that enters my car to be respectful while riding. Many time I am asked why I take my time to get places. My answer is always the same. I make sure I have everything needed before leaving. I make sure my music is connected. If I am meeting someone, I let them know I am leaving and whatever else I need to do for personal peace of mind. That is necessary for driving. It is not good to drive tense or with your mind going a million miles per hour. We are looking at the road and could potentially not be mindful if we are not at ease. I often share my perspective on driving to others, in efforts to help reach their own safe driving procedures.