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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The halloween mishap

Name: Mireia Alma Bustamante
From: Seguin, Texas
Votes: 0

The halloween mishap

I was with my family in a small town called Georgetown, Texas. I was trick or treating with my twin younger sisters going door to door saying the typical “trick or treat” for a tootsie roll or a jolly rancher, I was used to it, but seeing my sister’s excitement made me more than happy to be there.

On the way home from Georgetown, my best friend texted me about a little get together one of her elementary school friends was throwing. It was costume required and neither of us had been to a party together so we figured we would give it a shot.

After asking my parents if I could go, my mom was curiously asking “whose driving to the party?” “I can drive ya’ll”, but of course, we wanted to take ourselves because it was my last year of highschool and I wanted that experience.

My best friend would always drive us places, almost everywhere we went she was designated driver, that night, I told her I didn’t want her touching a wheel. I wanted to drive, I’m not sure why, but something in my gut was telling me I needed to.

Luckily, my best friend lives down the street from me so as soon as I got home, I grabbed an extra costume, got in my car and drove to her house. As soon as I got there, one of our other friends met us at her house and we all got ready. I dressed up as Betty Boop, my best friend Ryan dressed up as Tiff from Chucky’s bride and Diego dressed up as your classic stereotypical rich tennis player!

Once finished getting ready, we got in my car and drove to our nearest gas station to fuel up before we left. I promised my mom I wouldn’t take highways or tolls, so I filled up my tank for the 30 minute drive we were preparing to take.

The way there, we were listening to the one and only Brittney Spears, AC/DC, and our favorite modern rap artists.

Once at the party, we were the only ones there, we laughed cause we were so excited to experience our first party but we still tried to make the most of it. Ryan was talking to the host and Diego and I stayed in the kitchen eating the spring rolls and drinking Dr.Pepper from the can; we got plates and put food on it to go. We weren’t planning to stay any longer.

On the way out, Ryan texted our mutual friend Elijah asking if he wanted to hangout. Originally, he had planned to go to the party with us but couldn’t because he had work. We drove to the country club at which we worked and waited for him to get off.

Around 10 he finally got off and came to my car, we were all sitting in it trying to think of a plan, we couldn’t think of anything and felt it would be safer if we all just went back to Ryan’s house. Elijah agreed and got in his car to follow us.

On the way home, I started getting a very bad feeling something was going to happen. I drove five under the speed limit and stayed where I felt was safe. Elijah passed us on purpose, windows down, yelling something we couldn’t make out while driving faster than 90 on the lane right next to me. The speed limit was 50.

He slowed down and I managed to get in front of him, hoping he’d follow so we could direct him to Ryans. It feels as if everything after that was a blur. We got to the intersection at which we had to turn onto her street and Elijah was not behind me in the turning lane. We lost him. Somehow, he managed to pop up but on the far right lane, we were in the left turn lane. I reversed so he could, that way he could make his way into our lane. He didn’t. Instead he tried to turn left from the far right lane and it left him in a head on collision with somebody from the opposite side of the street.

Everything went blank, I remember seeing his car get hit so hard it almost hit mine. If I hadn’t reversed, we would have been struck.

Once the left lane light gave me the green arrow to go, I went and parked my car on the side of the street. We all ran out to see if Elijah and the guy who had hit him was okay.

My heart sank, Elijah got out without a scratch on his body, but the man who had hit him was not conscious at the time, he passed out from impact and was unable to move. All of our hearts sunk, we thought he died. Luckily, Elijah got him to wake up and he was checking on him.

Police,ambulance, and firetrucks came and they investigated us and asked what happened, I told them everything. Luckily both parties ended up being okay and the only thing that was seriously damaged was their cars. In Elijah’s car, there was a pole that was two inches away from his face, if proceeding to go any further into his car, he would’ve been impaled.

Everything from that situation happened so fast, I still live down the road from where this happened and when I drive down it, I struggle with feeling comfortable and tend to make a Uturn in a nearby store to find a different route home.

Ever since that night I’ve been extremely cautious about driving. I’m grateful there weren’t any extensive injuries, but it showed me what to not be involved in and gave me reason to be grateful.