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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Evan Isaiah Holmes
From: Hanover, PA
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

Driving a car is a privilege, not a right! As a teenager, earning the privilege to receive my driver’s license and being able to drive a car comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility that I do not take lightly. Being in the driver’s seat is something that everyone, especially us teenage drivers should take seriously, and we can get off to a good start by taking driver’s education.

For me, being able to take driver’s education at my high school was such an immense help in preparing me to be able to take the driver’s seat in and getting on the road. Learning the rules of the road both in the classroom and out on the streets, will help me to keep a “safety” state of mind when it comes to doing my part in reducing accidents. Learning what to do in various driving situations from my instructors, will go a long way in helping to prevent accidents. Accidents that can lead to premature deaths, especially teenagers like myself, who can be the most vulnerable of the inexperienced drivers. The importance of taking driver’s ed in helping to reduce driving deaths can be crucial in this aspect because knowing that lives are at stake with my actions behind the wheel, will make me more cautious in my decision making and thus helping with the prevention of unnecessary deaths on the road.

However, making good, cautious decisions behind the wheel is just one step to reducing the number of deaths related to driving. Another step I can take to help save lives on the road is to not text while driving. I need to make sure that as soon as I get into the car, I should be putting my phone out of site so as to not be tempted to look at it while I’m driving. Staying off of social media while diving is another way to ensure safety. I need to make sure I don’t drink and drive and when I have others in the car with me, especially my friends, I need to make sure I’m focused on the road and not what they are doing. Furthermore, no horseplaying while friends are in the car as well is extremely important. Those are some of the things my dad has been saying to me since I have had my license. I have never seen my dad text and drive or drink and drive. He has always set a good example for me and my sister to follow when behind the wheel. I believe listening to his advice and following his example has not only kept me safe so far, but others as well.

Nevertheless, despite whether being an experienced driver or someone fresh out of driver’s ed, we all can take steps to being better drivers as well as help others do the same. One of the first things we can do is to not put ourselves in a position to have or cause an accident in the first place. If we all know beforehand about severe weather or dangerous road or driving conditions, we should just stay home and encourage others to do the same. If it’s not necessary for any of us to be out on the streets in severe weather, why risk it? Staying home can be a sure-fire way to save lives. Another step to being a better and safer driver is to get rid of all distractions when driving. We should not be changing lanes and the radio at the same time. Again, paying attention to the road should always take priority and not trying to find our favorite song.

Last, when we are tired and sleepy and know of others who are experiencing the same, we should make the decision to either not drive at all, or safely pull over and get some rest. When we don’t take heed of our own bodies trying to warn us, we are putting ourselves as well as others at risk. I believe it’s more important to get to our destination a little late, than to not get there at all.

Trying to reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving is all of our responsibility. When you look at those awful numbers of traffic deaths, it’s not only mind-blowing, but also scary. Losing one’s life in a traffic accident is one of the most tragic ways to die, especially when it can be prevented. I believe if we all just make a commitment to always take getting behind the wheel as a matter of life and death, we will take the aforementioned steps as an unmitigated stance to saving lives.