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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Safe and Selfless

Name: Chardoni Morgan
From: Pensacola, Florida
Votes: 0

Safe and Selfless

Following the rules of the road is a legality, knowing the rules of the road is a life saver. Some people believe that driving a car is just based on common sense. I believe that driving comes with instructions. These instructions are what everyone needs to know before they are behind any wheel to prevent catastrophes from recklessness. Being a safe driver is important. Being a safe and a selfless driver is crucial.

Driver’s education is the instruction manual that every person should know like the back of their hand before operating a vehicle. At the moment, driver’s education classes are not mandatory before operator licences are issued. I believe that every teen and young adult should have to take a drivers education class before soon receiving a permit to ensure the knowledge of driving safely and selflessly is established. I believe that taking this step can reduce car related deaths caused by recklessness. When people know more about what they are doing they will act more off of knowledge and less off of impulse this can potentially save lives. Common driving errors like not knowing when you have the right of way can be avoided with proper teaching in driver’s education classes. If driver’s education classes are mandated and even if permit tests required 100% accuracy I do believe deaths from car crashes can be drastically lessened.

In September of 2018 I was involved in a car accident on the way to school. This accident was caused by someone pulling out into the lane directly behind us after failing to come to a complete stop at a red light. This vehicle rear ended me and caused damage to my vehicle and also left two of my friends and l in serious pain. If the driver of the other vehicle would’ve followed the rules of the road there would be no damage done and no pain suffered. Since that accident I still have pains that travel from my back down to my right knee when I am in any sitting position for long periods of time. There have been instances where I was a passenger of someone driving recklessly. Shortly after that accident I was riding with some friends from school heading towards the mall where everyone was supposed to meet up for eating and shopping. On this trip the friend of mine that was driving had no regard for the rules of the road or any of the other drivers for that matter. He threaded through traffic sharp and fast like a sewing needle in a machine. He failed to use turn signals every single time he switched lanes. This friend refused to yield at yellow lights, failed to stop at stop signs, and completely disregarded the posted speed limit. This trip to the mall, which was only about four or five blocks away from our school, was one of the scariest moments of my life. Luckily no one was hurt during this drive. When the conversation arose about how reckless my friend was driving I asked him out of fear and a little anger “why would you drive so carelessly like that? you could have hurt someone” He responded with “I didn’t know I was being careless”.

As far as being a better and safer driver myself, I can start by revisiting the things I learned when preparing for my permit test and I can even update myself with any slightest changes that could have been made since then. I could then use what I’ve learned to help other people learn more of what they possibly missed. It has been a while since any of my friends or myself have had to take an exam for driving. Revisiting those things and making sure we know what we’re doing can help all of us be better, safer, and more selfless on the road. I have a 15 year old sister that is in the midst of preparing herself for a permit test. I should, can, and will start doing my part with her.

Knowing the rules of the road alone can prevent recklessness behind the wheel especially if the people that know the rules follow them. Driver’s education is the first step and consequently the most important. People are more likely to do things when they know they are the right thing. I don’t believe that anyone gets behind the wheel of a car and purposefully sets out to do actions that can hurt people. People do make little mistakes not knowing just how wrong they are. People make mistakes and they never intend to do them but the slightest mistake can cause problems thus ‘ car accidents’. Knowing and following the rules will prevent this and it can all start with mandatory driver’s education.