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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – One Fatal Choice

Name: Jacie Brown
From: Rexburg, Idaho
Votes: 0

One Fatal Choice

I’ve seen many examples of reckless and irresponsible driving. However, one example that sticks out to me above all the rest, is my cousin. My cousin Kyle was usually a good driver, but being a teenage boy, he would sometimes speed and drive recklessly, but one day he made a fatal mistake.

Being a star quarterback and starting pitcher for his high school, he would on occasion be invited to parties after his games. One night, after a game, he went to one of these parties where he celebrated with his friends. There, he participated in drinking games where after a few drinks he became drunk. Drinking made him overconfident and unaware of his inability to drive and make good decisions. After which, he got in his car and attempted to drive home intoxicated and late at night. Unfortunately, he never made it home. Being unclear in mind, he swerved and hit a tree. His life was cut short because of one bad decision. He was only 17 years old with potential for collegiate athletics. Because of that choice he will never experience college, marriage or growing up, and his family is forever missing a member.

This experience, along with many others I have experienced throughout childhood, demonstrated to me a very important lesson that I will not soon forget it is easy to make mistakes and that one bad decision can cost you greatly, even your life. Driving safe should never be taken lightly. Driving a motorized vehicle is great for transportation but one can easily lose control if not careful. It’s easy to believe that little things like not being in a good mood, slight headaches, or even having a few drinks with some friends after a football game will not impact your driving abilities. This cannot be further from the truth. I learned that is always better to be safe than sorry and to always utilize what was learned in drivers ed. I now get in my car with a clear head and a sound mind before even turning on the car. Once on the road, I make sure to stay calm, drive the speed limit, and always stay vigilant for other reckless drivers that can potentially become a hazard. Being safe can and will impact more than just yourself, but for others as well. For example, my cousin Kyle hit a tree but what if it wasn’t a tree? What if he hit a pedestrian or even another car and caused the death of more than just himself? It’s easy to become overconfident in your driving ability, especially through time and experience but this accident could have happened to anyone.

Furthermore, I am always on the look out to teach and share my experiences with others to make sure everyone is safe on the road. For example, my boyfriend loves cars. He has dreams of driving fast super cars and racing them. His love for them drove himself to buying his very first sports car. Naturally, he is always tempted to drive fast and ignore the speed limit on occasion. Whenever possible, I remind him of the dangers of driving reckless and to always stay safe, especially with me in the passenger seat as my life is in his hands as well.

My experience with my cousin Kyle left a mark on me that will not soon leave. As I learned how to drive and obtaining first my learners permit and then my drivers license, I quickly became more and more aware of how I am driving and making sure that me and all my passengers are safe. Their lives are in my hands, and one mistake can impact them all. My entire family drives, and their safety is my main concern. Nowadays, cars are a lot higher tech and a lot new and improved safety features are found within them that ensures the safety of everyone driving in them. They can raise the driver’s attention, they can stop themselves, and even some can drive on their own now. However, even with these technological advances, it is still very important for the driver to still be vigilant, sound of mind, and most importantly smart with their decisions. Driving safely and responsible can prevent the loss of many lives and if everyone follows this then the world can be a better place. It may be too late for my cousin Kyle, but it is not too late for myself, my friends, and my family. I wish that my cousin would have learned this lesson before it was too late.