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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Rules of a Safer Road

Name: Taylor Breaun Parker
From: Baton Rouge, LA
Votes: 0

Rules of a Safer Road

My name is Taylor Parker and I am eighteen years old. I have been driving for over a year and a half. During the time I have been behind the wheel, I have learned different ways to be safe on the road. Being on the road at a young age made me very cautious. Not only do I drive for myself, but I drive for others. Meaning that by being safe on the road, I can reduce the percentage of car wrecks. Driving is a huge responsibility that is taken for granted by people. Because it is taken for granted, a lot of drivers are very careless. And that leads to car accidents and deaths that could have been prevented if the driver paid more attention. I can say one of the main distractions I and others have are cellular devices. They can be a big problem for driving because they take up our attention. The same attention we are supposed to be using for driving. Using a cellphone while driving is very dangerous for the driver, but also for the passengers and people in their cars. We use our cellphones every day and we use them for everything. I understand as humans we try to do multi-tasks and do things all at once. We as humans sometimes think we can drive and use our phones all at once and it’s going to be fine and nothing is going to happen. It is not fine because what is happening is the driver is now making it a habit to use their cellular device and drive at the same time. Soon, they realize it is not okay until it’s too late. Most accidents and wrecks happen because drivers are on some type of cellular device. I figure if we break that cycle and mindset, then there will be fewer accidents and deaths by car accidents. According to Driving and Training School, every year 34,000 individuals die from unsafe driving and/ or drivers. In order for the numbers to decrease, people have to be more careful on the road while driving. There are ways for everyone to stay safe while driving.

To become a safer driver, I came up with different ways to help myself on the road. The way that I prevent myself from being distracted on the road is to first call and text everyone I usually talk to and tell them I am about to get on the road or tell them I am driving right now, so I can not talk. That gives them a heads up to wait for me to text or call them to let them know I have made it to my destination. Also, I like to listen to music when I am driving, so I do not have to look down and change the song and take my eyes off the road. I make a playlist with all my favorite songs for driving. I let it play while I am driving and if I want to change the song, I ask Siri to change it for me to keep me from taking my attention off the road. Also, while listening to music, I turn the volume down to the point where I can hear my surroundings. So, I know what is going on, but enjoy my drive. Also, I learned how to program my phone in my car, so if I get an important message or call, emergency notification, that I have to answer immediately, I can pull over on the side of the road or at a side stop to use my phone. The safest thing you can do while driving is to keep your eyes and attention on the road. It’s very important for the driver to be aware of one’s surroundings. Lastly, I believe the driver has to want to be a safe driver not only for themselves but for others around them, in order for car accidents to decrease. Which means the driver has a decision to make, if they want to be a safe driver or careless driver. If they want to be a safe driver, then they will drive with caution and be responsible for their actions while driving on the road. If they want to be a careless driver, then they will increase the chances of car wrecks on the road. It all depends on the driver and the way they view driving. Overall, I use these strategies. I have never gotten a ticket nor been in a car accident because I choose to be a safe driver.

Thank you.