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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Drivers Education Initiative

Name: Habibatu Kamara
From: Tuskegee, AL
Votes: 0

Drivers Education Initiative

Being surrounded by careless driving shouldn’t be the everyday normal for society. The trauma that the dangerous effects of reckless driving leaves is not good for all parties involved. The driver, the family or any accomplices involved.

To be given a drivers license, two forms of drivers exams are given out and must be passed. Obtaining a drivers license requires in depth studying to receive the license, however more people pass away from car accidents than plane crashes. So where does everything go left? Why does the regrade for safe driving seem to go out the window for many?

As a young adult like so many others, I didn’t think too much of reckless driving until it was my turn. The summer of 2021 was my wake up call that the importance of safe driving shouldn’t be taken lightly. I had a rear end collision with a nice sized truck, however my safety was the least of my concern. My fourteen year old younger brother was riding as a passenger that day and it made me realize that we both could’ve been gone that day. The collision was my fault as I, like many other teens, decided to be on my phone while driving.

I had passed the two forms of drivers exam, so why would I get into an accident like that? Carelessness. The importance of safe driving wasn’t taken seriously by me and this seems to be the case for many of my peers. Many of the dangerous accidents done in the country are committed by young adults as we think we are above the drivers laws put in place for a reason. A wake up call shouldn’t be the reason that safe driving is taken seriously as it should be taken seriously beforehand.

The lessons learned from the driving exams and driving instructors should always be applied forever after they are given. The information from drivers education isn’t like some things learned in life that aren’t needed. Young adults such as myself should listen the first time and if forgotten then relearn. The driver’s book given to young teens when studying for the test should always be looked back at when things are forgotten.

There should be annual drivers road and written exams for those in America especially since the mistakes of reckless driving are costing people their life. Although many wouldn’t appreciate the annual drivers exams, I feel as if this could prevent the amount of lives lost from reckless driving. By giving these annual exams out, people in society could save themselves from the harsh penalties of being a reckless driver or in some cases save their life.

The cellular devices of all people driving should block out everything while the driver is on the road. All phones and phone companies should have a feature where the driver won’t be able to get access to anything beyond the lock screen while driving. Texting and driving is a big contributor to reckless driving and if it can be prevented then lives can be saved. By being on a cellular device, the focus isn’t on the road anymore as it is now on the device.

Speeding is another huge contribution to reckless driving although they’re speed limit signs everywhere. Some drivers don’t have any regard for the speed limit and can sometimes not only cost their own life but others’ lives too. Speed radars and cameras are in some areas in the country, however they need to be in the majority of places in the country. If there were more speed radars and cameras to visually show the driver how fast they’re going, it may make them slow down. By having visual speed radars and cameras it prepares the driver to understand that if they don’t follow the speed limit then they will suffer from the consequences.

I’m not saying that these additions to safe driving will fix the reckless driving issues that are prevalent in America, however they’ll contribute greatly. Not only would these contributions help with the safety of driving but they’ll also save lives. The importance of safe driving needs to be taken seriously by all and with these contributions, it will certainly be a start. If these additions had been around long before then some wouldn’t have lost their lives by reckless driving.

The education of safe driving was given to all drivers license owners and shouldn’t be forgotten just because the drivers exam was passed. The loss of life from reckless driving isn’t okay as there are many forms of prevention.