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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Personal tips for responsible teenage driving

Name: Gabriela Amanda Braga González
From: Los Angeles, California
Votes: 0

Personal tips for responsible teenage driving

Driving is liberating, makes you feel independent, in control. It is true, everyone knows that. But, what many do not know is that 1.35 million people around the world die every year in traffic accidents (CDC, 2020), that 42 915 Americans lost their lives on the road in 2021 (Wayland, 2022); and what is worse, that this risk is higher among teens aged 16-19 (CDC, 2021). These facts are a little hard to start an essay, but they are painfully real. However, the solution is simple: education and discipline. Driver education is crucial to avoid mourning more losses, and become more responsible on the road. A better educated generation of drivers, who knows the risks and how to prevent them, is the key to a safer tomorrow. Now it makes sense that the teens are most likely to be involved in crashes; they never listen! That is why this essay is addressed to you, the ones who just received their driver’s license, and want to impress the girls with their new convertibles. Watch out! You might learn something.

For starters, driver education is not only passing the driver’s test. It is meant to be a guide for the future. In real life, you should try not to run over the granny with the shopping bags, or exceed the speed limit. Despite the laws we have to respect, there are other actions we can take on our own to be better drivers and continue being alive for a long time. The number one action is: listen to your mom! She is right about being careful. You have to keep your eyes on the road at all times. It does not matter if your girlfriend texted you, or if Sarah is telling you the latest gossip, always look at the road.

Forget the alcohol! I do not care if you are trying to show how cool you are; staying alive is cooler. Some people only worry about exceeding the percentage, but I tell you, no alcohol will never send you to the hospital. Music is fine, music is relaxing, but pay attention! If the music is too loud or if your feet cannot resist the beat, change it; it may compromise your ability to think fast. Read the signs! Traffic signs indicate what is ahead, animal crossing, school zone. They are there for a reason, so use them in your favor. Also, always check your car before going out. See if you have enough gas, if your breaks function well, if your tires are not damaged. A visit to the auto repair shop once in a while can do a lot. And, if you learn in advance how to change a tire, it could save you some desperation in case you are by yourself. Be prepared!

The only thing you need to do while driving is to drive. Eating, speaking, texting, drinking, they all require you to focus on something other than the road. Mirrors are your friend. They are there to help you have more than two eyes. Maintain a certain distance from the other cars, give them space and give yourself the chance to move quickly. Traffic lights are that colorful for a reason, do not disobey them! Every rule and regulation you already know, was created to look out for everyone’s safety, and contribute to a more responsible way of driving. Following them, and now my tips, is the best way to stay on the right path. I believe these actions I shared, are of vital importance when preventing accidents. Although you might have heard them a million times, it would be awesome if you actually practiced them. And lastly, I need to say one more thing, keep your eyes on the road! in case you had forgotten. Even though you are doing all the right things, someone else may not be, so you need time to react in case the worst happens. Do this, share the knowledge, and you will protect your life, and your loved ones’.

Although I have never experienced a car accident, my mother once did. She was a passenger, and the driver had to make a quick turn to let an ambulance through. She bumped her cheek against a seat, and had a bruise for almost a year. I cried when I first saw her. She could have lost her eye, or worse, her life. Traffic accidents are very common, they are dangerous, scary, but avoidable. Only remember my advice, and think about the future. There will be many more girls to impress, and many more friends to talk to, if you stay alive. But do not stress, just be careful; and in case you are paranoid, imagine a large pizza, that always works.