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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Learning Saves Lives

Name: Ashanti Simmons
From: Henrico, Virginia
Votes: 0

Learning Saves Lives

Some individuals believe that driving is a simple task that doesn’t require much thinking. However, being a good driver entails a great amount of responsibility, for both you and other drivers. Although driving is a given privilege, it’s an essential part of our daily lives that demands knowledge of the road. With the implementation of driver education, it’s not guaranteed that there will be “perfect” drivers that make little to no mistakes. However, it may be an effective way to educate drivers about the skills needed to drive safely, and it might be able to reduce the number of fatalities from an accident.
In order for drivers to reduce risk to themselves, their passengers, and other road drivers, they should take the initiative to advance their driving skills and knowledge. Being a safe driver always has advantages for you and other people. Driver education is substantial because it instructs drivers of all ages about the rules of the road, safety, and techniques of controlling a vehicle. It places emphasis on safe driving in any given setting. With regards to reducing the number of deaths, drivers who are educated are less likely to be involved in an accident, whether it involves other drivers or a traffic violation. Road signs and safe/defensive driving habits are a few subjects covered in driver education courses that can help anyone safely operate a motor vehicle. Not only does driver education provide general knowledge through its courses, but it also allows for behind-the-wheel sessions with a driving instructor. This is highly beneficial as it allows any future/current drivers to develop and improve their driving ability.
Since driver education is quite advantageous because it teaches safe driving habits along with developing good driving skills, it should be the first step performed to reduce the number of deaths that are related to driving. Ways to reduce the risk of death while driving include keeping your distance, limiting distractions, wearing a seat belt, not driving while under the influence, avoiding driving during poor weather conditions/ rush hours, and the single most important thing is following traffic rules and regulations. Always remain aware of your surroundings, as you may not assume that other drivers are knowledgeable and cautious of their driving. Driving demands the driver’s full attention, along with the ability to view traffic with your peripheral space and adequate line of sight. All drivers should understand the dangers of driving and that their actions and decisions may impact other drivers on the road.
Bad weather is one thing, but driving in it is quite another. Though I’ve never been in a significant car accident, I’ve had some eye-opening experiences that caused me to reconsider that driver education should be a requirement for all drivers, to assure they are continuing to follow the rules and regulations within driving. There was a day when it rained while my family and I were heading home. My father, brother, and I were all passengers, and my mother was driving. Suddenly a car swerved into our lane, causing my mother to move into the shoulder lane. The driver slammed on the brakes, causing them to slide into a ditch, and cars behind them to slam on breaks. We stopped on the shoulder of the highway to call the ambulance and to be sure no one was hurt. This experience served as a reminder to increase following distance during poor weather conditions, and always be mindful of your driving.
Limiting distractions, being aware of my surroundings, and ensuring that I am following, and reviewing the rules and regulations are some actions I can take to become a better and safer driver. Recently, I took driver’s education courses to obtain my license and become a safe educated driver. At times, it is easy to conform to the driving conditions of other drivers, but I remember that driving safely is the better way to be considerate of myself and other drivers on the road. Practicing good driving habits and being consistent with the evolving knowledge of driving on the road is another action I can take to maintain being a safe driver. As I practice driving, I will gain the confidence to drive safely on the road. For future/current drivers to be safe on the road, driver education is critical. It prepares you for any circumstances that you may encounter on the road. Steps that any and everyone can/should take to become a better and safer driver and help others on the road is to obey traffic regulations. Always keep in mind that you are not the only individual driving on the road, everyone is trying to avoid an accident.