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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Understanding and Responsibility of Driving

Name: Crystal Le
From: Dacula, GA
Votes: 0

The Understanding and Responsibility of Driving

Driver’s education is very important for new drivers to know and experienced drivers to review. By knowing the law, reading signs, and being a defensive driver, many car accidents can be prevented leading to reducing the number of casualties and deaths. Not only the driver needs to have an understanding of driving foundations but also maintaining their knowledge and staying alert. Both new and experienced drivers often will have bad driving habits and distractions causing car accidents.

As a student that commutes at least an hour to school nearly everyday, I admit that I do distract myself to pass time faster while I drive. Whether it is to text a friend, change the song playing, or reaching over the passenger seat to grab a handful of chips, I willingly distract myself selfishly knowing of the consequences of an accident that would not only affect myself but other people. Two of the three examples that I’ve given both involve the usage of my cell phone. Given how many things a cell phone can do in one click, it is not hard for many teenagers and adults to just reach over to grab their phone and send a quick text.

In my lifetime, I’ve been in four car accidents. All of the accidents could have easily been avoided by being more alert. However, one of the accidents could have resulted in more casualties. It was on an early Monday, and I was driving to the Georgia Institute of Technology from home. A forty-five minute drive without traffic. In the left lane of the highway, I was eating Cocoa Pebbles from a small container on my lap, a leg perched up onto my seat, and my spare hand holding my phone beneath the steering wheel with an episode of Grey’s Anatomy playing. Already, I’ve had three terrible driving habits and distractions occurring before the car accident. While driving, I noticed a car break in front of me, swerving to the express lane avoiding the stalled car ahead. Immediately, I hard stepped on the break. Cocoa Pebbles flying in the air, and my phone falling to the floor. Luckily, I was able to avoid rear ending the car ahead; however, two cars behind me could not, leading to a four car collision. Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident, but the event definitely left me in shock and scared me from performing that many tasks simultaneously again. The aftermath of the accident left more than three cars destroyed and totalled. I was affected too. I sometimes think of the day of the accident. Had I reacted a second later, someone or I could have gotten hurt or even died. I think about how divided my attention span was as I cruised on the highway. In shame, I wear the scars of the accident everytime I drivethe broken right blinker light and the smashed rear bumper. I didn’t need to have my leg perched up on the seat. I didn’t need to watch Grey’s Anatomy. I definitely didn’t need to snack on Cocoa Pebbles. It could have waited.

The first step taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is removing distractions. Without distractions while driving, I definitely will be more bored during my commute, but at least I will be alert. To avoid going on my phone to text, change the song, or to just use it, I placed my phone in an area I cannot reach while I drive, like the backseat or have someone hold it, and I’ll let my friends and family know ahead of time I am about to drive to avoid receiving texts. I sit properly in the driver’s seat with comfortable adjustments without endangering myself. Driving is important, and I wish I didn’t have to learn the hard way.

The second step taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to stay alert. Being awake and alert is very important during driving. A tired driver could potentially swerve and often struggle to stay in their lane. Tired drivers also have a delayed reaction and could not see an accident ahead or an object on the road. From heavy eyelids to a yawn, it is important to know your limits when to take a break from the road, definitely during a road trip. Alertness is important, and any misstep may lead to a car accident.

However, if a driver were to ignore these steps causing a car accident due to their negligence, the final step would be admitting their wrongdoing and changing their driving habits. To not only be safer for themselves but also for others. My experiences definitely changed how I drive, and I hope others will be proactive as well.