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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education and Becoming a Safer Driver

Name: Austin Smith
From: Beavercreek , Ohio
Votes: 0

Driver Education and Becoming a Safer Driver

Driving is dangerous, but some people don’t seem to take it seriously. Driver education can help reduce the risks of driving and reduce the number of deaths from driving. Everyone needs to take a driver’s education course because you will travel almost every day of your life. However, you don’t need a driver’s education in every state. Driver education can reduce the number of deaths due to driving because it teaches drivers valuable information they will need to know when driving. Students will learn about traffic signals and how to navigate them. They will learn about all different kinds of signs and what they mean. Students will also learn about laws to follow when driving on the roadways. If drivers do not take a driver education course, they will not have as much knowledge about their state’s laws. They will ultimately be worse drivers than others who have had a driver’s education. Drivers who don’t know everything they need to know about driving are going to be the people who cause accidents. If everyone gets educated about driving, then fewer people will die because of driving.

Reducing the number of deaths due to driving is possible as long as we take the necessary actions to make the roads safer. Driver behavior is the number one cause of death due to driving. If drivers are more careful on the roadways, we can easily reduce the number of deaths from driving. Distracted drivers make traveling more dangerous for everyone, especially drivers on their phones. Phone companies can contribute to helping reduce deaths from driving. They could program their phones to shut down if the user is moving. The user would only be able to turn their phone on when they are stationary. Another way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is by creating more consequences for speeding. Many drivers ignore speed limits even though they keep everyone from going too fast. If there were more consequences for driving over the speed limit, drivers would be more cautious about their speed and drive at or under the speed limit. Automobile companies can also help reduce deaths due to driving. They can give their vehicles more safety features, enhancing the overall safety of the passengers. The most important thing automobile companies should focus on is making safe self-driving vehicles. If automobile companies can create safe self-driving cars, we wouldn’t have to worry about human behavior causing crashes. We would never have another death from driving again. People who take care of the roads can reduce the number of deaths by immediately fixing problems with the pavement. If there is a chance of snow, we should always pretreat the roads to minimize the amount of snow that sticks to the pavement. Every state could make a law saying that everyone in a vehicle must wear a safety belt. Also, people should not consume alcohol if they know they are driving afterward. If someone has consumed alcohol, the smartest thing to do is stay where you are until you are sober. There are plenty of steps we can take to reduce deaths due to driving, and we need to take them to make the roads safer.

I am grateful that I have never had the experience of being in a car accident. I am also happy that I have not seen any of my friends or family members drive irresponsibly or be in an accident. I am lucky to have great friends and family members who follow the law and drive safely because not everyone is careful when driving.

I can take steps to make myself a better and safer driver. I can take driver education classes to learn about the rules of driving. I can ask my parents and my sister, who have already had experience driving, for help if I don’t know something I need to know. I also want to work on my ability to scan my surroundings to ensure I am safe. I can work on learning the amount of space between me and another car. I can stop talking too much to my family when I drive. I can also help other drivers become safer on the road. I can use my turn signals to indicate where I am going so that other drivers have enough time to respond to my action. If another car reaches a four-way stop at the same time I do, I can signal them to go. I can check to ensure my headlights work so other drivers can see me when it is dark. I can check to ensure my brake lights work so I can let others know when I stop. Every safety precaution anyone decides to make can help ensure a safer future on the road for everyone.