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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Courses, Practice, and Accounts

Name: Emma S. Jedmears
From: Aubrey, Texas
Votes: 0

The Importance of Courses, Practice, and Accounts

Distracted driving is one of the top killers for teenagers, taking thousands and thousands a year. This is no better demonstrated than in Texas, where it is in fact the number 1 cause of death of teenagers. As such it is an issue of high concern so that more young people are able to live their lives, but despite this drivers often carry on without a care. It is of utmost importance to address the danger of driving distracted, especially with texting as it is one of the top causes of crashes. To reduce dangerous driving habits among teenagers drivers should have to go through specified courses on the topic, practice good driving habits, and hear accounts of victims of the incidents that then occur.

To begin with, to reduce dangerous driving habits among teenagers drivers should have to go through specified courses on the topic. When a teenager applies for a driver’s license they typically go through a driver’s ed course, which often addresses the topic of dangerous driving habits such as texting. This is done through the use of videos, and presentation slides with detailed information on what to and not do on the road. These programs can help to show the devastation of such habits on the road, but are often mixed in with a great deal of topics preventing a student from effectively focusing on it, and absorbing the material. Thus, a specified orientation course taken before a driver’s license test would be a great addition. It could be a simple few hours, as short as even 2, but every video presented can focus on every aspect of distracted driving. Videos should be emphasized as it forces one to pay attention to obtain the information within them. Topics can include the top distractions that cause accidents, details of those killed or injured as a result, and what one should be doing on the road. This way students can fully comprehend the danger that they put themselves into on the road with their behavior, and how each action can then lead to its own consequence. They can experience the pain, grief, and sorrow resulting from those that suffer through accidents or lose others to it. Finally, they can understand what they should be doing, what will save them on the road, getting them safely from place to place.

Secondly, to reduce dangerous driving habits among teenagers drivers should learn, and then practice good driving habits. This can be done in a driver’s ed class as is often undertaken by those attempting to acquire a driver’s license. Videos shown can provide examples of good driving habits, such as keeping one’s eyes on the road, constantly looking all around to watch for obstacles, and preparing for any action they may need to take. This way they have an established idea of what they should be doing on the road, so that they can continue on without worry. The most important part of this ideal is repetition, and practice. These habits must be brought up again, and again so students do not forget them nor negate their necessity, shown in various forms of media such as videos, presentations, and pictures. Each form can reach students in a different way so that they comprehend it in what way works best, never forgetting it as they hone in on a method that speaks to them best. Then, they must practice it, students can be given homework to be done outside of class as is normal in such a setting. Instructors can focus on a different good habit for students to implement into their driving outside of class so they can see its effectiveness for themselves, beginning to understand why it itself is so important. Good habits, knowing what to do keeps one safe when driving.

Lastly, To reduce dangerous driving habits among teenagers drivers should hear accounts of victims of the incidents that then occur. Nothing helps a person to better understand the consequences of their actions than hearing it from someone that had to suffer through it, or those that had to deal with the outcome said person created. Car accidents kill often, with injury following suit most every time, big or small. Students never think of this consequence as they always think that it will never happen to them. No matter what they think they are not invincible, they are perishable as all are, and one second taken off the road, to check a text or grab a bite, can exploit this weakness, can make it the catalyst to death. Accounts of victims often show they had the same mindset that teenagers usually do, they didn’t think they’d get hurt, it’d only be for a little bit, but then they did. It goes to show that their attitude of invulnerability means nothing on the road. It goes to show how their whole life can end up in turmoil over 1 split second, preventing them from doing what they what in life over nothing. It goes to show that they are not the only ones they’re are hurting when they act so recklessly they have a family, they have friends who only want the best for them, who only what them to return home safely. These accidents cause immense devastation to those close to the victim as they begin to live a life without them, or must witness the decline in their livelihood. Accounts of the accidents that distracted driving causes, show how a teenage driver can ruin not just their lives, but those of the people around them.

In conclusion, distracted driving must be addressed due to its deadly consequences, especially for teenagers. To help reduce this issue it is prudent for students to be taught focused courses, develop good habits, and see firsthand the impacts of those in accidents. With this rigorous take, teenagers can understand the importance of how they behave on the road, so that no one ends up hurt or worse.