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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Driver Education and How it can Save Lives

Name: Atikis Cameron Curiel
From: Los Angeles, CA
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education and How it can Save Lives

Car crashes are a frighting event for anyone. The amount of life-changing things that could happen during one is a high number. You can be seriously traumatized, get life-changing injuries, and in many cases, die. These can range from an irresponsible driver or you, yourself being one. This is why not only others but yourself must be highly educated in driving. The idea that you are operating a machine that can weigh anywhere from 1,000lbs to 10,000lbs is astonishing, and I think this concept is favorably looked over. And this is something that could be incorporated into driver education. If people understand that they are operating a heavy machine, I think they would be much more cautious. And this is just a step into driver education and how important it is that every driver on the road knows of it because it could save not only their lives, livelihood, and future but also the lives of someone else or multiple people.

A couple of steps can be taken to reduce the number of driving-related deaths. One of these steps is awareness. Awareness is critical when we examine driver education as a whole and how it can reduce the number of deaths resulting from reckless driving. I say this because many drivers, either on the city streets or the freeway, do not look around, are unaware of their surroundings, and will merge and hit another car or not pay attention at a stop sign and hit a pedestrian. If people were more aware of what was happening around them and took the time just quickly to check their surroundings, there would be a guaranteed decrease in deaths due to driving. Another key concept is to eliminate distractions in your immediate surroundings, whether your phone, food, or anything that will take your eyes off the road. Turn signals are a huge deal. Many drivers do not use them, resulting in many accidents, unnecessary deaths, injuries, and expensive damages.

The idea that most drivers cannot flick the turn signal up and down to indicate that they are merging or turning is a massive problem that anyone who has ever driven a car can relate to. This is just as big a problem as speeding. We have all seen those videos of people speeding on the highway zig-zagging through traffic with no turn signal and going more than 100mph. And the climax? A horrible crash, followed by loud noises, screaming, and other ghastly things. Distracted driving, speeding, unawareness, and inconsiderate of others on the road are just a few things people need to be educated on and learn from. Then, on top of others, these concepts can be taught to people what not to do when driving, showing them what can happen if they aren’t educated.

I believe showing them actual footage and what-if scenarios is a great way to educate people on driving. Show them the potential consequences if they aren’t educated enough on this. I am not saying that everyone who isn’t educated is a psychopathic driver, but they could be unaware that they are doing some of the things I mentioned earlier. They can correct these behaviors and could become well-educated and safer drivers, decreasing the number of deaths, especially when there are mindful drivers on the road that understand that not using turn signals, not following the speed limit, and not being an awareness of the driver is wrong and could cause unnecessary damage to themselves and others on the road.

One of my best friends is a fault for this. About four years ago. He and his younger brother were driving home. And for whatever reason, my friend was speeded. He had a fast car at the time, a nice one, and he was rushing home with his brother in the passenger seat. Then when he was a couple of blocks away from his house, he came up on a turn and thought he would be able to turn smoothly into the street. He was sorely wrong. As he turned, he lost control, and the car flipped. Luckily, no one died or was seriously injured besides a couple of bruises, and his little brother had broken his thumb on the laptop he was carrying. But imagine if he had gone just a bit faster or hit another car while turning the corner. What would have been the outcome? I can answer that quickly. My friend and his brother most likely would have had injuries that would have changed their lives entirely, or worse, they could have died. So, you can see how it could happen to anyone; it could be your best friend, a family member even a professional driver who could be at fault; no one is safe. But, there is something that we could do to prevent something like this from happening, and that is to be educated when it comes to driving, which means me doing my part as well.

I speak from experience when I say some of these things. I was an unaware driver, not minding my surroundings and being pretty reckless. That changed a year ago. While driving down a block away from my house on my way to school, I was not paying attention to the road and the side of me. And in an instant, I heard a loud noise, and something fell. I looked over to my right-view mirror, and it was gone entirely. I had hit a trash can so hard it took my mirror off. It may not be that big of a deal, but the implication is much grander. I could have hit a car or a pedestrian. Then I would have to talk to the police and my insurance company and go to court. So much can happen from a small action that we do while driving. That is why driver education is s so important.

The steps that I am taking are that I am becoming more aware of my surroundings. I am mindful of other cars and people around me. I obey the speed rules and the stop signs, too; too many people take them and do not even stop for a second. I am improving every day, even if minor improvements; we all start somewhere, but as long as we recognize what we are doing wrong and fix that, it is what matters. I am responsible for being a good driver so that I can drive back home in one piece and that other drivers can do the same.