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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Actions and Consequences

Name: Addison Zdunowski
From: Headland, AL
Votes: 0

Actions and Consequences

I picked up my phone the same way I saw many people do so effortlessly; scrolling on Snapchat and picking out the next song to scream at the top of my lungs seemed more important than my life. “It won’t happen to me,” I thought to myself. “I can focus on two things at once,” I said to my friends. This is the mindset of most teenagers and adults when driving. Many believe they will not become a part of the 17,000 that get into a wreck every day. I was at a red light, and all it took was me looking down at my phone for a split second, and my whole perspective changed.

Everything action has a consequence. Cause and effect is something that many people don’t often take into account when making decisions. The decisions you make while driving are some of the most important decisions you can make. Making these decisions is easy after you become an educated driver. An educated driver is an intelligent driver, and an intelligent driver is a safe driver. Education on driving safely is not only for your benefit but for the benefit of your passengers and pedestrians. Educating young drivers on the rules of the road, as well as things learned from experience, seems simple, but it significantly impacts driving skills in making them better. Having the proper knowledge and skill to operate a vehicle can and will decrease the number of vehicle-related deaths. There is a considerable focus on making sure that new drivers prepare as well as focus as soon as entering the vehicle. Being a responsible driver will reduce the number of fatalities and injuries caused by accidents and make the roads a safer place.

According to the Annual United States Road Crash Statistics (ASIRT), the number of people who die from vehicle-related accidents accumulates to more than 46,000. Teaching the importance of being an educated as well as attentive driver will reduce the number of deaths related to vehicles. As teenagers, when learning to drive, whether through a driver’s ed course or with your parents sitting in the passenger seat, you always hear the words “don’t get on your phone while driving.” Regardless of whether you choose to act on these words, it is vital that everyone hear them. Distractions while driving, whether from electronics, music, or even passengers, can lead to an accident. To prevent this from happening, it is crucial that you stay off the phone while driving. Putting your phone on do not disturb is a great way to stay focused while driving because it silences the constant buzz. In addition to educating drivers about safety, hearing stories from real situations is a great way to spread awareness and stop distracted driving.

In the two years I have been driving, I have caused one accident. I rear-ended another vehicle at a red light because I was trying to answer a friend through social media. This distraction not only caused me to hit the car in front of me but also caused my insurance to skyrocket. Driving safely is much more than just protecting yourself as well as fellow drivers; however, this is the most important thing to consider when operating a vehicle. As a young girl, most people with whom I entered a vehicle would look at their phones at least once throughout the car ride. I vividly remember stopping a wreck because I was paying attention when the driver was not and screaming, “STOP!” Luckily for me, I have never been in a wreck that was fatal or caused injuries, but I know someone who has. A friend of mine caused a wreck that injured himself and killed the other vehicle operator. Not only does this affect the deceased’s family, but it will also affect him for life. If you are not driving responsibly, it can change your life as well as someone else’s forever. Making smart decisions while driving is something everyone should practice.

Putting the phone down and focusing is one step everyone should take as a precaution when driving. Anything that needs to be taken care of before putting the car into drive. Making sure that you are fully attentive throughout the whole drive, and fully able to operate a vehicle will make the drive safer. As much as you hear the importance of driving safely, it will only come into effect on a personal level when you have experience. Take any classes and preparing steps to ensure that when you get behind the wheel, you are competent and educated enough to operate. Know that no one can multitask safely and effectively when it comes to driving. To become a better driver, everyone must have the attitude that it can and will happen to them and obey the laws set in place to ensure that you, as well as the people in your surroundings stay safe.

A split second is all it takes to change your life or someone else’s. Change your perspective. Your actions have consequences. The unthinkable happens, don’t let it be you that learns it the hard way in the driver’s seat.