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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – All Star Age of the Road

Name: Leticia Isabella Powell
From: El Paso, Texas
Votes: 0

All Star Age of the Road

Everyone knows the ages we look forward to is 16,18, and 21. 16, you’re the legal age to drive, 18 you’re an adult, and 21, well we all know we’ll be in Vegas! Although, 16 is very important as you gain the privilege to transport yourself from place to place legally and responsibly.

To obtain a license the traditional way in the state of Texas you turn 15 and go to drivers’ education, you then obtain your permit that you hold for 6 months and when your 16 your able to take your drivers test to hopefully pass and obtain your license! Sadly, people are not so eager to complete driving school anymore, instead they try to squirm through an easier path to get their license. With this more and more people today do not get the education by the book and think they know the rules of the road from just some article they find online or what their parents have told them which most likely goes into one ear and out the other. This puts themselves and fellow driers at risk for a car crash waiting to happen. When it comes to driving all the department of public safety cares about is your knowledge of how to physically drive and not so much the rules themselves, it is a 10-minute test that determines if you can handle the rest of your life in your own hands behind the wheel. This shows the importance of drivers ed, you learn all the rules and therefore are more prepared for events to happen on the road. If everyone in the world would go to drivers ed, we’d all obtain the same knowledge and would be more aware of our surroundings which prevents less crashes. Preventing less crashes also means the death rate from car crashes would be lowered too.

When getting behind the wheel we put ourselves in control meaning what happens on the road can be caused as well as prevented by our actions. Unfortunately, the death rate caused from car crashes is quite high. Some steps that can be done to lower this is getting the proper education. We go to school all these years to obtain a career, why is driving not as strict if this is our life we’re talking about. By enforcing school for driving and extending classes to be taken for a longer period the roads will be filled with responsible drivers. I as well believe a law should be created to when after a certain number of years retaking your driving test is mandatory. As we know as life goes on obstacles are faced to us and may cause us to be unable to complete easy tasks like driving. Let’s say every 15 years we need to retake the test; it allows us to know we are still capable of keeping the knowledge we’ve learned over the years and shows how responsible we are to keep our license.

Driving is a daily thing humans do, just like watching the news. The news has all your top stories and get the first scoop that gets the publics brain working in the morning. In Indiana just recently a wrong-way driver collided with another driver, and it killed them both. In Chatham a car that was speeding injuries multiple and kills 2. Then in Massachusetts 1 dead and 17 injured as a car crash into a store. Day to day news has reports on all these crimes but never fails to incorporate at least one story having to do with death from a car crash. It saddens me all the lives we lose due to irresponsible drivers, it reminds me on the time when my mom and I were driving back home from being out of town. The cars in front of us were racing and she was getting nervous, next thing we see the car in the left lane loses control and swerves into the car he was racing, the car he hit ended up flipping and ended up upside down and the side of the road. To this day that memory has stayed in the back of my mind every time I am on the road and reminds me how important it was to go to driving school.

Overall driving is something you must take major precautions for. Personally, the steps I would take to become a better driver is memorize the area I am in. In being in such big cities it’s easy to get lost and tend to have to use GPS, by using GPS you’re paying more attention to the directions on the phone than the road which is distracting. If I become aware of street names and become familiar with the way the roads are constructed in certain areas, I am less likely to be unfamiliar or get lost while driving. I as well would become more familiar with the car itself. Having no background knowledge on my car can affect the way I’ react if it breaks down, if my breaks stop working, or if my gas goes on empty which can happen in an instinct which can cause a crash to the people around me. This can relate to others becoming better drivers as well. To be able to be aware of the city/state you’re living in, background knowledge is great to have as there is information on everything in the world. People’s safety and your own is the most important factor to account for while on the road, therefore civilians need to take more action and realize the toll that car crashes have made on the death rates worldwide.