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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Driver’s Education

Name: Amber Kiker
From: Anniston, AL
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver’s Education

August 3rd, 2021, I received a phone call that nobody wants to get. My sister-in-law, and three nieces had been in an accident. Their conditions were unknown, and all I knew was that I had to get to them. I know you’re wondering, “What happened? Whose fault was it?” Well, she was taking my sweet nieces to meet their teacher before the next school year started. On the way there, a car had lost a wheel causing the truck behind them to swerve in attempt to miss the wheel, striking my sister in law head on. Had the driver of the truck would’ve listened to what they teach in driver’s education, then he would’ve known that he should’ve steered away from oncoming traffic. My sister in law was life flighted along with two of my nieces. They suffered drastic, and life changing injuries: spinal fractures, broken legs, arms, and many other life-threatening injuries. Thankfully no lives were lost that day, but it is a miracle they are still able to walk. I say all of this to show you how in just a matter of moments someone’s life can truly be turned around by the carelessness of driving. In this essay, I am going to be talking about the importance of driver’s education in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving, and steps you can take to be a better, safer driver.

What is driver’s education? It is a formal class or program that prepares a new driver to obtain a license. Why is this important? Just like a baby has to learn to walk, we have to learn how to not only operate a vehicle, but also the rules of the road. In this class you will learn everything there is to know about driving. When to brake, when to accelerate, when to stop for certain signals, when to yield, who to yield to, what to do in the event of an accident, what to do in the event of a road size hazard, and many other rules. Years ago, when there weren’t any driving laws in place, it was like a madhouse. Cars driving every direction crashing into one another at high speed rates. An article from NSC Injury Facts states, “The population motor-vehicle death rate reached its peak in 1937 with 30.8 deaths per 100,000 population. The current rate is 12.9 per 100,000 representing a 58% improvement.” These drivers were self-taught and didn’t even require a license. Could you imagine how things would be today if there were no rules on the road? With the requirements to go through driver’s education, I feel much safer on the road. It has also drastically decreased the number of deaths as a result of driving.

There are many steps you can take in becoming a better, safer driver. One of the most important steps you can do when driving is to be attentive to what’s going on around you. It’s impossible to be 100% attentive if you are eating and driving, texting and driving, or even applying makeup while driving. There are many laws that have been enforced to help reduce distracted driving, and accidents caused by distracted driving. Secondly, I can’t stress the point enough to not only wear your seatbelt, but also wear it properly. Across your lap and across your chest. If you decide not to wear it this could result in you being ejected from the vehicle if involved in an accident. If you decide not to wear it right, you could seriously injure yourself. Seatbelts are not intended to be worn “just when necessary,” but anytime a motor vehicle is in operation. Next, it is vital that you remain patient when driving. The old saying goes, “Slow and steady wins the race.” It is very true. If you spend your time rushing, speeding, and being impatient, you could put yourself and others at risk of an accident. It is better to show up late than not at all. Lastly, to know your vehicle is an important safety precaution. Tires, windshield wipers, fluids, lights and many other parts of your vehicle need to be checked often. If you don’t keep up with the maintenance, it could leave you stranded on the side of the road.

If I have learned anything by personal experience of nearly losing my loved ones, it is that driving safety is very important. Not only does drivers education give you the knowledge to be on the road, but it also ensures that if you follow each one of these precautions, we together as drivers can protect one another and reduce the risk of deaths as a result of driving.