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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – In The Driver’s Seat – A Conversation With Mom

Name: Summer A. Cooper
From: Orlando, FL
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat – A Conversation With Mom

Mom, please stop texting while driving. Oh? You’re not texting? Right, you’re just

checking your work email because its important. What? You’re just checking Facebook or Instagram real quick? That’s all the same thing, Mom. You’re distracted and not totally focused on the road. I know work is important, but it’s not more important than me, right?

Yes, I know you’re busy, Mom, but what happens if we get into an accident? Even if we’re lucky enough to only be injured, how will you work then? How busy will you be then?

I know you drive this same road every day, but did you just see that guy who passed us? He was texting too and swerved out of his lane. Did you see the lady in front of us slam on her brakes for the dog crossing in front of her?

Yes, Mom, I know we are so close to home, but did you know that’s where most accidents happen.

Mom, its’ not just us, what about protecting other people. There are other people who have little kids waiting for them at home. What about them?

You don’t like it when I bring this up, but you remember what it was like when we lost Kaylee, Mom. The family was a mess for years. Aunt Cathy still hasn’t recovered and it’s been years. You still cry when you think of her. She was so beautiful and smart, just starting her Freshman year at college like me and wanted to make friends so she got into a car with a group of girls. They were just going to get something to eat, but they never made it there. That driver was distracted fighting with her boyfriend on the phone, remember? She spun out of control and right into a tree. That tree split that car in half taking Kaylee from us forever. They weren’t drinking and everyone of them had their seatbelts on, but all it took was for the driver to be distracted to end their lives. Sorry, Mom, but sometimes we need a reminder of what can happen.

You remind me constantly to be safe when I leave the house. Wear your seatbelt, put your phone away and drive carefully. No more than one other person in the car, Summer. DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE, EVER! Don’t change the music unless you’re at a stop and keep it low so you can hear what’s going on around you. You always tell me to be aware of my surroundings, lock the doors at the stoplight and watch for others around me. Never depend on other drivers to do the right thing because there are idiots out there driving cars, Summer. That’s what you always tell me. Make sure to stay 4-5 seconds behind the car in front of you and that’s in good weather. Keep your speed down, no need to rush. There is nothing that important to risk your life.

You’re driving a 2,000 lb death machine, it deserves your full attention not only for yourself, but for others on the road. If you ever drink after you’ve driven, I don’t care if its one sip, you call me or Dad and we’ll come get you, no questions asked. If you’re too tired, don’t drive, I’ll take you.

Why are all of these rules different for you, Mom?

I had to endure hours of driving practice with you critiquing every move. You made me wait until you felt I was ready to get my license. You made sure I took driver’s education and defensive driving courses. Maybe they need to make it a law that all Boomers go back and take a driver’s safety class as a reminder. I’ll bet if they lowered your insurance rates you’d do it wouldn’t you?

You quoted statistics to me all the time. I still remember them.

Young drivers who have not taken driver’s education are 75% more likely to get a traffic ticket, 15% more likely to get into an accident and 25% more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury related accident.

You don’t like it when I with Anna because you think she’s a crazy driver. Not denying it, she is, but when I ride with her, I am always reminding her to be better and to be careful. I take her phone before she even starts the car and I play the music. She’s a much better driver with me, Mom. Her Mom thinks I’m a good influence on her.

Mom, people always say Florida drivers are the worst, stop being one of them.